I have released the “Shaven Puppy Game Library” onto sourceforge last night.
SPGL sits on top of LWJGL.
All it is, is the continuously evolving set of helper classes that I’m actually using to write my game. Some of them are broken. Some of them never did work right. Some of them are obsolete. Most of them are just hacks. All of them are badly commented and undocumented.
It’s really on sourceforge so I can have a remote backup and CVS archive of it in case something bad happens. But anyway - now you can look at them and find trinkets and gizmos in there to help you do stuff.
SPGL is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/spgl
LWJGL is at http://java-game-lib.sourceforge.net/
Please note that SPGL’s license is still “in the air”; I don’t intend to give it away to commercial developers but I would like it to be used by hobbyists. But most importantly, it’s in the open so everyone can see.