Since fr is a bidirectional reflectance distribution function, the equation doesn’t treat transmission or scattering phenomena. So what has to be described for every surface point x is the amount of light that is reflected in some/eye direction w…the amount of light reflected in a given direction could come from any direction over the hemisphere around a given point - depending on how the surface material reflects light. But how many directions could you take over a hemisphere to really treat ALL incoming light? The answer is: infinte. Thats why you treat the hemisphere as some kind of projected surface. Depending on the opening angle, a direction from point x projects a small “patch” onto the unit sphere. Even in this small patch, you would have to take an infinte count of directions where light comes from for your calculation…so instead of describing the incoming light this way, you describe it with light coming through this patch alltogether.
The total amount of incoming light for a point x could further be described as a function over a horizontal and a vertical angle. the horizontal angle makes a whole 360 degree and spans a circle and the vertical one spans 180 degree, because they span a HEMIsphere around a surface point. But if you are not interested in function values from one direction only but a range of directions (of two angles!), you somehow have to build a sum, speaking in discrete terms. Or an integral, because an integral can be used to calculate a sum, if properly chosen.
I’m not an expert either, and hope I’m not telling you bullshit - but here’s something to read:
Maybe this information does help you: The integral over Omega truly means a double integral with horizontal and azimuth angle that span a hemisphere.