The J4K Legacy

The first thread:

First Year Thread (You’ll have to click the October link)

The second year thread:

And the third:

At which point it mostly migrated here.

When did you first enter? Are you going to have a go this year?


First time i entered was last year (2006 for the record, if your reading this many years from now :slight_smile: ), will enter this year if i get some good idea’s :slight_smile:

Writing 4k games is most enjoyable, you get to learn alot about how the jvm works internally.


yes, possibly several goes, we’ll have to see how it… goes. Unfortunately, I’m not all that good at creating new games (a la Miners), so it/they will probably all be clones of existing games.


Always do.

BTW, you guys can help record the legacy of the contest:

i first entered last yr, planning on entering this year too. :slight_smile:


My first entry was in Year 2 (2004)
I’m running low on fresh ideas, but I’ll try to get more than one entry this year (one clon and one original)


First… almost… dragged it (jm4k) out till the 3rd. Man… that was so frustrating. And then I got kicked in the nuts for FSM and midi. Heh. :slight_smile:

Was there from the beginning - 3rd post, 3rd post, and 2nd post in each years Thread =)

Only competed in the 1st & 2nd years though - maybe i’ll make a return this year!
Have so many ideas… just need the time (and conviction) to see them through.
I wish programming wasn’t my job - I’d enjoy these competitions so much more! =/

I entered on the last contest (2005-2006), i could have entered a year before, but i was a newcomer and thought as abuse on the fisrt year

[quote=First year board] Author: Abuse
In Reply To: Re: 4k game programming contest Aug 29, 2002 12:49 AM
Reply 2 of 335

you won’t get much in 4k of java :stuck_out_tongue:
And i’m in this year too!

started 2 years ago with bubble racer , but skipped last year.

I might have a go this year if I can find time, but i’m spending most of it on finishing Jack Flowers right now, which has a higher priority…

Lilian :slight_smile:

Started two years ago. This competition is great fun, despite being a bit iffy judging wise. :wink:
But, like many others (I suspect), I’m not it in it for the proverbial money. :smiley:

Have been participating year three and last year, and of course I’m here this year as well :slight_smile:

I wonder, why 4K? Why not 5K? Or 3K? Or 6K? etc.

Is it because it’s a n^2 ? Or did someone just have an idea, and decided for no reason to have it limited to 4K? Or is some more scientific basis for this number, like research into what humanly can be acheived in small code, logic, graphics etc.?

on a common NTFS disk, 4096 bytes is allocated, even if you dont use all 4096 bytes in that sector. if you’re on XP, go create a text file, put a few letters in. then look at the properties. size is probably 10 bytes or whatever, but “size on disk” is 4096 bytes :stuck_out_tongue:

so in an effort to save disk space, we use 4K. if we used 5k, we’d be taking 8192bytes (8kb) on the disk. that just can’t be!! :slight_smile:

(note: this is satire. it is actually possible during format to change the allocation unit size to 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, or 64K)

Why any other size?

Limiting yourself to 4K is very challenging, and I like that! :smiley: Don’t know if the size was choosen upon a meaningful reason, though.

Btw, this is my first year, and I hope to be able to deliver something playable in 4k :stuck_out_tongue:

I heard of this 4k contest 2 years ago.

Don’t know how it works, but I feel ready to give it a try for the first time this year.

the second I think. :wink:

EDIT: Nope, the first, I judged the second.

I’m on Wiki, I’m famous! :wink:

I’d like to participate, but my fear is I won’t be
able to create anything I’d be happy with in 4k.

I almost entered for the first time last year, but
my laptop had a coming together with my g/f’s
glass of water and sadly all my 4K code went
down with it :frowning:

I thought at the time “oh well, this gives me a
whole year to improve on my game after starting
from scratch”. But after averaging two hours a
week on the thing for ten months, all I’ve got to
show for it is a random racing track generator.

Its sits at around 20K, and its not even an
interactive playable game yet. To fit into 4K i’d
have to throw out all the nice SimplexNoise and
Catmull-Rom Spline code. But by then it wouldn’t
be able to generate random racing tracks

Oh the pain!