The Escapist!

Lock and Ban?


I questioned him on the youtube subscribers asking why he had that as a goal and i had no reply, then he started to slate my game minnuts after xD

I’ve almost had enough of this thread. I think you’re way too immature and inexperienced to justify any of the points you’ve mentioned in your OP and the following posts.

As much as I hate the “If you can’t do any better, don’t complain” argument, I think it applies here perfectly. Looking at your past games, they all have an amateur quality to them and are almost certainly nothing I would find on Steam. You’re obviously not in the right position to criticize their work, especially noting you’re lack of proper experience in both game design and game programming. Pirating the game with these criticisms in mind just makes me think you’re an ass, nothing more.

The developers don’t need to do anything off of your list. But they should make a demo in my opinion.

Maybe if people had decent demos you wouldn’t be advocating piracy in your YouTube videos and showing people how to get these games without paying a single bit for them. I’ve reported every single one I’ve seen so far. Can you also refrain from being a complete jerk to the developers of the game? They’re obviously working very hard on it and it’s most likely their main source of income. By pirating the game because “The developers didn’t add enough features” and “I’m too poor” is complete B.S.


This video lists some good points about piracy in the game industry and ways we can work around it. I highly recommend watching it.

The point made at 4:58 is what I’m talking about here.

Demos are an excellent, easy way to prevent people from pirating your game when done right. If more people could just realize this, I think the game industry would be a much better place. DRM exists just because of people like you.

If you can’t deal with paying for something, you might as well not play any of those games to begin with.

Don’t give me your “I’m too poor” B.S. either, nobody is going to believe that. Looking back on the video, there’s also another point made at 5:18:

Simply put, “If you can game, you can pay for games.”

What’s your deal with Early Access too?

They haven’t stopped developing it. As Rayvolution mentioned, the last update was made on December 23rd.

Moreover, there’s nothing wrong with paying for something that’s incomplete. Ever heard of this game called Minecraft?

Just Stop.

  • Jev

To surmise:

  • Incredibly ironic to encourage pirating and also claim to be an indie developer
  • Pirating is illegal and takes money away from developers, period.
  • Game developers are not entitled to give you anything other than what they explicitly promise
  • If you want people to listen to you seriously, then take our advice seriously

Overall, your behavior is immature, but it’s not like you can’t improve. I suggest you think before you post.

Now, everybody go back to your IDEs :persecutioncomplex: