Texture repeating

Converted an ac3d model that has a texture repeated on it to a 3ds model in ac3d. Then tried to import it into jME, the model looks fine, except that the texture isn’t repeated. Does jME model format/3ds importer support repeated textures ?



It does. You use Texture.setWrap(Texture.WRAP_S_WRAP_T) or something like that. I can’t look up the exact command at work. I’ll throw the exact command to you when I get home.



Does the model converter and the jme binary reader do the appropriate thing?, I’m trying to figure out if the 3ds file is missing the texture repeat, or if the loader is ignoring it :), I’m doing nothing by hand if I can help it :wink:


I don’t remember if I set the 3DS loader to auto repeat. When I get home I’ll look and see. If you don’t want to wait, just do some kind of search through the 3DS loading code and find where a Texture is created, and just add the line setWrap(Texture.WRAP_S_WRAP_T)