Texture Problem

I have a problem of the texture not mapping correctly. There is a “seam” (white color) where both ends of the texture should come together. Not sure why that is, but it is happening with ALL my textured models. Any idea where the problem could come from?

Please note that the model looks alright in Maya/3DStudio. It has to be something with my code. I think I might be missing some texture parameter?



Maybe you accidentally enabled the OpenGL Texture-border, or enabled it on purpose but forgot to set the pixels to their appropriate colors?

I don’t think I specified any texture borders!? What OpenGL parameter would that be?

glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, imageWidth, imageHeight, TEXTURE_BORDER, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageData);

I am using: “TextureIO.newTexture(image, false);”. I cannot find “TEXTURE_BORDER” anywhere in the code. Mhh, I guess that’s not the problem then!?

Probably not. Relying on 3rd party code to me feels like relying on a blackbox. I can’t help you, you might want to check the Texture-class sourcecode, or just write a few lines of opengl-calls yourself.