As far as i know:
[quote]1. what are the font-texture’s parameters? minfilter? maxfilter? is it mipmapped? is it possible to change them?
minfilter is how the texture will look when its scaled down, i.e further away from you. You usually pick GL_LINEAR or something like that for this, so when it has to decide whats the best color for the pixels as its no longer its original size it uses linear interpolation i think.
maxfilter is pretty much the opposite of minfilter, so when you scale up or its closer to you, it will interpolate the pixels in whatever method you give it.
mipmapped is used when using LoD, so if you have the image up front it will have to be quite detailed, meaning it will take up alot of memory. However if its further away its not going to be as detailed so you can cheat and use mip mapping to make less detailed versions the further you go away. You will notice this in most games these days, if you look at the floor and notice how detailed it is, then look in the distance and you should be able to see a cut off point where the texture becoems less detailed, and less and less until its just like a brown blur or something really far away…
Im not that experienced with fonts, so i cant really answer any other questions but the above answers apply to textures generically regardless of if they are fonts/particles/model textures.