Congratulations on greenlighting; putting your project out there is probably the biggest hurdle to face. That said, your work’s not done; there are some serious issues with your page that you should sort out ASAP since the majority of your votes will come within the first week or two.
The icon. This is the most important part. Everything else you’ve done for this whole project will be for nothing if your icon doesn’t catch attention. It’s the first impression of the entire game. Yet, the text doesn’t contrast to the background, it’s not centered, none of the elements “pop”, and, most importantly, it’s not animated. Make it animated. You have the luxury of marketing a game simple enough to compress into a single small moment of gameplay, but you haven’t taken advantage of it. Try to compress your entire game into a 3-second gif like this, because that’s all a voter will give you: 3 seconds.
The trailer. This is one of the big mistakes I made in RFLEX’s greenlight; no variety. Right now, your trailer is sixty seconds of the same gameplay (albeit with some awesome music). You either need to shorten this, or add some stimuli in. If I can watch 5 seconds of your trailer and not be surprised for the rest of the video, you’ve done something wrong. Show some deaths, show some selling points, add in a gag, pan the camera a bit, anything to make it more than just bare gameplay footage.
The description. Again with the contrasting text; white-on-white text is not good for the eyes. Second, while I don’t think is going to detract from your game, this bothers me a bit. I don’t have any problems with borrowing ideas from my greenlight, but I think, in its similarities, you missed an opportunity to create your own personality for the game’s marketing. I think there was room for creating something new rather than iterating on the previously existing.
You made a good game, one that I want to add to my steam library in the future. Fix these soon; every second delayed is an impression lost.
Good luck :).