Test you Ms.Pacman skills :-)

at http://www.mycgiserver.com/~movegaga/mspacman.htm

It’s a test version of CottAGE which saves scores on a server.

I dunno if the server works but the applet ran like a charm! That brought back memories.

My dad used to fix video games for a living. He bring them home, replace a single resistor, and then we’d get to keep it for 2 weeks in the garage :slight_smile: What more could a 7yr old ask for?

We had Galaxians, Cosmic Geurilla, Pacman and Space Invaders in various incarnations :stuck_out_tongue:

Cas :slight_smile:

Yes, the server works (you’re 2nd :P).

[quote]My dad used to fix video games for a living. He bring them home, replace a single resistor, and then we’d get to keep it for 2 weeks in the garage What more could a 7yr old ask for?
We had Galaxians, Cosmic Geurilla, Pacman and Space Invaders in various incarnations
Coolness :smiley:
You happen to have one left by any chance?

Hey, it ignored my 2. place score!! Ok, 3. place is good enough for me…

No, you GOT the 2nd place. Just refresh the page.

Yes, meanwhile, I tried again. But once I got betrayed! I did a refresh - maybe too early.

Maybe you refreshed while the score was not processed yet :-/
The mycgiserver.com server is quite slow most of the time.
I saw no errors on the server, but if the client fails somehow there should be messages in the console.


Doesn’t work for me, just a gray box. :frowning:

Did you compile it using jdk1.4 or higher? Cause I running 1.3 of the jre.

Sorry, I forgot to mention you need jre 1.4 or higher. Maybe it works with 1.3 too if you install xerces or crimson as a standard extension but I haven’t tried that.


all applets should be be java 1.1 compliant. Like Ryan Ball 1. There’s no point in going beyond that. hahahahahahahahah. ::slight_smile: :smiley:

ok, stick to shockwave or flash version 1 then


There’s definitely a place for Java 1.1 applets. And there’s also a place for Java 1.3+ applets. My main dev box doesn’t actually have the Java plugin installed (well, it did have it installed but IE ate it one night), and there’s many people who don’t want to/don’t know how to upgrade Java. However, who doesn’t want to play with all the shiny new features? ;D

I probably shouldn’t take this ‘stick to 1.1’ post serious but I can’t resist because there actually are people that do :stuck_out_tongue:

If your sole purpose is to attract as many people as possible without effort or thinking ahead, stick with 1.1 until nobody cares about java anymore.
I like to play with with the newer features and would like to see more people appreciating new java features.
CottAGE was traditionally a 1.1 applet and has now attracted >1,100,000 visitors. We announced a few days ago that we will upper the requirements to 1.4 and we got no complaints at all. Our number of hits will certainly drop although I have no idea how much, but I don’t care.
Many people will upgrade to 1.4 though and as a developer that’s something I like to see.
What java developer wants to limit himself to the non complient buggy M$ VM?
Probably someone who makes a living out of applets (how many people are that anyway?). Maybe people that want their work to be seen by as many people as possible.
The truth is, 1.1 is getting old. People are starting to care less and less about crappy 1.1 applets. Flash and shockwave are taking over because we, the devs, do what M$ likes us to do:
And that is to stick with the M$ VM and slowly kill java in the process.

I say stop supporting 1.1!

Heh, that was relieving :smiley:

i’d like some kind of patching facility, preferably done automatically.

detect old jre -> ask user to upgrade -> download and install automatically

users happy <-> developers happy

Some kind of new auto patching facility in the VM would require downloading a new JVM first anyway, doesn’t it? :slight_smile:

yup, too bad they didn’t think of that