!!!Team needed 4 Applet-Based MMORPG!!!

Im starting a 2D mmorpg and i have some great ideas. There will be guild based gameplay as well as a intense single player experience. All applet based though. Im starting this team from scratch so most positions are available. I would be the lead programmer, but i do need others for support, because i estimated the size of this project, and its pretty Immense.

Im looking for

  • Concept Artists
  • Graphics Designer
  • Game Designer
  • Experienced Java programmer

If interested post here, or email me at touchofdeath1111@hotmail.com with the topic MMO

Before starting down the MMORPG path, you should probably read this: http://www.stratics.com/content/articles/mmoguide.php

Hmm… thanks for the hot tip, unfortunetely my Team is still without a graphics designer, so when i get to that phase i gotta use snes sprites… how embarassing… o well… cough… people resopnd!

there is nothing wrong about using snes sprites during development. Programming is much more important than graphics. Once you have alpha version of your engine (after at least one year of hard work) you can start worry about better graphics.

That is true, but my team is slowly growing… I managed to find someone who can do some pretty cool character sprite sheets, but i wont need him for at least a few months. But im still kind of low on programmers, Im down to three… so this project may take a while lol.

IMO there are lots of projects around that once started from “Team needed for uber cool game !” post in some forum. Apparently, 99% of them died in agony the next month after start without even releasing first public beta.

I am considered that if you are doing a game, you shold first think about how would you motivate people to work together
Some possible motivations:

  • money (yes, people work for money, that’s the most reasonable motivation around :wink:
  • joy (yes, it should not be annoying, it should be fun)
  • credit (yes, people want to be associated with the project if it ever goes successful, they want a part of fame)
    … ran out of ideas.

For some of my previous experience, I see no particular reason in joining newbie project:

  • you are not paid for your work.
  • you follow someone ideas, you get bored after a couple of weeks.
  • you think that you are still “in the shadow” of the guy who started the game, you dont feel like you get proper credit.

So, as I stated before 99% of projects fail without ever going to public beta. I had quite an experience managing small projects - and i am pretty confident that to keep people together you should comply with every aspect mentioned above.

btw. In your case it makes sense to have most of game logic done and then hire an artist/musician/modeller to produce content.

Well, most of the people who make up my team are just fellow programmers scattered about my school… I dont plan on having this be the next Everquest or anything, just a simple game that me and my friends can play and offer to others across the internet. Which is one of the reasons as to why i wouldnt pay. I was mainly just looking for a graphic designer, but mentioning other positions were available upon request. And I do agree with you about having the game logic before the graphics and stuff, its just that i would like to keep my options open.