Tamaguchi ( Digital Pet)


Im kinda beginner in JAVA and have some questions regarding
programs on mobile phones through J2ME.

The program is kind of a simulator or a game.
It’s about taking care of a pet from its day born…(Tamaguchi-like game)

And i want my pet to Alarm me everyday to say,
Gud am, gud pm, and gud night every nth time…

I also wanted my pet to learn talking through my daily
messages i received in my phone…

Also, i wanted my pet to learn singing through the mp3’s
saved in my phone…

Is it possible to access my phone memory and be use it
on my game?

Is it also possible to make an alarm even if the game isn’t

Is it also possible to draw on the desktop of your cellphone?

Will my project be so ambitious for a beginner???

Sorry if the detailing is kinda poor. I have difficulty
using ENGLISH…

I want advices from those who already made like this…
And from those experts in J2ME…

Please, need an expert…


With MIDP 2.0 phones, yes. Using the Push Registry.

I’m not sure what you mean there.

If the phone supports JSR 75, yes.


Yes. You know what they say: start with tic tac toe, move up to pong, etc.


Many Tanx… :slight_smile: