SWT Through Webstart on Mac OS 10.3

Well I have made a webstartable application that for some reason crashes and kills the JVM on a Mac OS X 10.3. I am using the SWT supplied with eclipse 3.02.

What wonders me is that the application will run fine through eclipse on Mac OS 10.3 and on Windows XP through webstart/eclipse.

I know this is a long shot, but are there any webstart issues for Mac I should be know?


dyld: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home/bin/java
malformed library: /Users/login/Library/Caches/Java Web
(not a Mach-O library file, bad filetype value)

More info, from JVM crash?

Do you want to post a link and I can try it from my 10.3 laptop?

Thanks, but dont bother. Its an known issue I made an app bundle instead