Swing gray screen problem in Linux

I am posting this question here based on a suggestion from the moderator.

I have a customer that is encountering the ‘gray screen’ problem on Linux with an IBM java implementation. I have researched the sun.awt.noerasebackground property and all comments seem to indicate that this property is for Windows only and possibly only used by Sun Java implementations.

Looking for suggestions to reduce/eliminate the ‘gray screen’ effect within Swing/awt. If anyone needs more details, I would be more-than-happy to provide whatever may help.

Using the sun implementation is no option?

Sun not an option. :frowning:

The product is a POS, and the customer decided to go with Linux. The only Linux we currently support is NLPOS 9 due to device issues and using JavaPOS. There are a host of different devices, most of which are IBM.

Is he able to run any other Swing applications without this problem occuring?

Almost everything works okay. We have one additional issue with the sizing and display of the screen. There is an issue with getting the frame to position correctly. We use the full screen and undecorated. We set the location for the frame at (0,0) but it still appears to be ‘shifted’ to the left several characters. This happens on MWM as their windowing manager.

I have run tests on KDE and some other window managers and not seen the same problem. I also tested the latest version of MWM (OpenMotif) on my linux box, which is OpenSuSE 11.0 and don’t have that problem. I still need to install the IBM Java on my linux box, but with Sun it seems to be fine.

Seems like Linux or IBM’s Java is ignoring the location of the frame - I can set it to (5000,5000) and still get the same behavior.

BTW… I don’t seem to be able to find a ‘support’ page for IBM java… Can anyone point me to one?