Super Elvis becomes Super Elmo^H^H^H^HDudester

We have become increasingly concerned about the litigious nature of the many-headed American behemoth. Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. are reknowned for using underhand and unpleasant tactics to squash other organisations as the whim takes them. Despite Super Elvis not actually being anything to do with Elvis Presley, being an original work, and containing no references to rock ‘n’ roll in the slightest, we have become concerned that the evil EPE will try to shaft us “just because it can”.

The basic tactic is: EPE have more money than you by a factor of a million or so. They hound you with lawsuits until you run out of money and can no longer defend yourself - whether you’re right or wrong. Justice, American style!

We are pre-empting them and changing the name of the game to Super Elmo^H^H^H^HDudester. Yeah it changed again.

Cas :slight_smile:

Is the character going to look like Elmo the Elk then ? (From Eek the cat)
found a pic here:

awesome show :slight_smile:

Are you serious?

Just because Sesame St. is a cool place where I like to hang out doesnt mean they dont have lawyers. If a company refuses to protect their trademarks/patents/copyrights they lose effectiveness. Its not automatic but if someone can show in court they ignored people who infringed upon them, their rights might be meaningless. Many times companies enforce their rights because they must.

Smart move on dropping Elvis, though I think you have just ended up where you started, at risk :slight_smile:

Elmo the Elk rocks!

Super Emu
Super Elk
Super Eel
Super Epizootiology

edit: Found this with a google. Apparently the doll says the quote when you press his hand.

Super Elmo or Airplane: If you have Elmo’s arms out to the sides and make him seem like he’s flying and press his right hand, Elmo will pretend to be Super Elmo or an Airplane. Elmo will not move.

“Look! Up in the sky! It’s Super Elmo! Whoosh! Super Elmo to the rescue! Have no fear, Super Elmo’s here!”

(snipped the plane quote)

Yeah, if anything I expect Sesame Street have more lawyers than the fat dead dude. If you can’t convincingly argue your right to use it, stay well clear.

for feck’s sake.

Ok, we’ve finally settled on Super Eddie which is just about as generic as you can get for a title.

Cas :slight_smile:

I don’t now about England, but here in Sweden American law doesn’t apply…

But if you are affraid of law suits, Eddie is also a bad idea, because Iron Maiden will sue your pants off! :wink:

Ok, we’ll call it Super QOIueroieuroUEOIRUOiu then. ::slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote]Ok, we’ll call it Super QOIueroieuroUEOIRUOiu then. ::slight_smile:
Excellent choice! Although it does rather look like it might mean something rude in Klingon… :stuck_out_tongue:

Super Eddie is my hero! :slight_smile:

Don’t worry I’ve got a surprise up me sleeve :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote]Despite Super Elvis not actually being anything to do with Elvis Presley, being an original work, and containing no references to rock ‘n’ roll in the slightest…

I think it is a good idea to change the name - and maybe even the Elvis sprite. A lot of silly lawsuits are going on, but I think whoever own the “Elvis brand” would have a pretty good case against the game formerly known as Super Elvis

I give you permission to use my name, I always wanted to be famous.

Super Andy!

or you could have

Super Puppy!


Super Pup!

mmm no good sounds like super dog, maybe … “h2o pre teen starvation force”?

he said no er… with his foot

ok…found it, need not look any furthur cas!

Super Prophet! :smiley:

How about Super Mohammad?

How about super necro?

(this is a zombie thread) :V

I expect I’d have to replace the Elvis sprite with a white square or risk threats from loonies.

Cas :slight_smile:

Or just make it invisible :slight_smile:

Actually, you are probably in the clear with Super Elvis on pure legal terms because you can easily claim it is satirical in nature, which is a protected form of expression in the US.

Having said that, yeah, if you dont want to or dont have the money go to court and fight then being right isnt worth jack s-it in the US.
(At least in England, if the suing party loses they have to pay ALL expenses. Thats not true in the US unfortunately leading to all kidsn of tort-abuse.)

How about taking a page from Apple…

When Carl Sagan theratened to sue because they had code named a release of MacOs “Sagan” they renamed it “Butthead Astronomer”.

Super Ligitgator!

And his attacks can be tort-throws and injunctive relief bolts!