We have become increasingly concerned about the litigious nature of the many-headed American behemoth. Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. are reknowned for using underhand and unpleasant tactics to squash other organisations as the whim takes them. Despite Super Elvis not actually being anything to do with Elvis Presley, being an original work, and containing no references to rock ‘n’ roll in the slightest, we have become concerned that the evil EPE will try to shaft us “just because it can”.
The basic tactic is: EPE have more money than you by a factor of a million or so. They hound you with lawsuits until you run out of money and can no longer defend yourself - whether you’re right or wrong. Justice, American style!
We are pre-empting them and changing the name of the game to Super Elmo^H^H^H^HDudester. Yeah it changed again.