Subforum: Technical Support(for the website itself, not Java)

Add a small sub-forum somewhere for forum technical support or website issues.

1st topic in that subforum I would post
I often use the feature “show unread posts since last visit/epoch” So I just read whats new.
However, as of the last 2-3 days. Stuff that was new but I hadn’t read yet, I noticed was disappearing(or disappeared all at once) from the list.

Was something changed recently that may have effected this?

Also on a slightly different topic. Is always only been only a forum, or has it had other website ish(non forum) features/articles/wiki’s. I heard mention of something called The Vault? or something “new” being added? Any more news about that?

Did you log in from several computers/browsers? I always noticed issues with it when I logged in from several computers so I only stick to one computer nowadays for the forum.

The website used to be more than a forum but that was years ago. I think there were some discussions around adding more content to the site but it’s not really going anywhere :slight_smile:

Also, regarding the suggestion in itself, the site usually works perfectly fine, and on the rare occasions that it doesn’t you can always post it in general.


Adding a whole new sub-forum for technical issues seems rather extreme.

The issue with ‘last posts’ is purely a bug in SMF, and I found it indeed to be related to multiple logins. It’s hard to reproduce though.

Regarding the Vault, yes, there is a vault, and a few members of JGO have access to it. What it contains? Backups, for when something happens to me. :emo:

About a wiki, or other content… well, the rate at which articles are posted, both in the old wiki, and the current articles/tutorial sub-forums, is quite telling. I don’t think it’s likely I’ll put a lot of effort into it as it’s simply not used that much.

Likely future addons: picture-of-the-week, a new theme for mobile devices, ?, profit.

Backups of what?


Well you said backups for when something happens to you. So if you die, what would the backups do? :slight_smile:

Obviously with the backups we’ll be able to construct a new Riven and restore his memories from the point of the last backup. Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.

If you read carefully, you’ll see that I said a few JGO members have access to the backups… so obviously they will be able to reconstruct JGO from scratch when it does down.

I am Riven, and I endorse this message.
