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Left - Steer sub left.
Right - Steer sub right.
Up - Surface sub.
Down - Dive sub.
Space - Fire torpedo.

My first entry into the contest, and my first game in Java. Keeping the game under 4K was an interesting experience, using a Makefile to automate all the build steps and adopting programming practices I’d be shot for normally. :wink:

But I’m very happy with the way it turned out. The game can have some tense moments when you’re submerged, running out of air, and theres a handful of destroyers circling above you.

My high score is 21, so far.

If there was a 16K or 64K version of the contest running, I’d love to do a bigger & better sequel. Any chance of one happening?


Pretty good game. My best score so far is 45.

Technical Feedback:

  • Very frequently, keypresses are missed - turning and firing are the primary offenders and this can really screw up a good game.
  • more visual feedback would be nice - when are you safely down, when are you all the way up, when are the torpedoes ready

Gameplay feedback:

  • Seems like you’ll get hit when mostly but not all the way submerged, whereas you’ll miss ships when you’re mostly but not all the way up. Seems like an imbalance that isn’t quite fair.
  • Maybe torpedoes could surface after firing? this will allow you to fire while submerged making it easier to survive when there’s 7 destroyers on the screen at once
  • would be nice to be able to temporarily increase speed (dash, decreases turning ability) or decrease speed (increase turning ability)

Visual feedback:

  • ships look quite nice, “ocean” is good, submerged effect is good
  • torpedoes look like little sperms. You might want to change this. ;D

Overall, good little game. I’m guessing there was some influence from the Flow game here?

I just drew a torpedo, I don’t know what you see. ;D But now that you mention it, that’s all I see heheh. I’ll change it to something more menacing, less reproductive. :-[

Great feedback. I don’t know what’s up with the keys. I’ve encountered similar problems with keyboards only registering a few keys down, not all. Might be the same issue.

Self-surfacing torpedoes goes against the design. To be able to attack another ship, you yourself must be at risk. Otherwise, it’s too easy.

Thanks for the great feedback, I’ll see what I can still squeeze in.

No connections to Flow. More like a 1942 remake with sub/ships instead of airplanes.


Hehe, it was a ok game :slight_smile: nice first one :slight_smile:

Nice game!

Quite well balanced with strategy and shooting, use of air and all that. I think it is a bit too slow. It is probably a bit similar to a real sub in that way, but I think it would be more fun if you don´t have to wait around so much :wink: Alternatively as suggested have variable speed for the sub.

Quite enjoyable!