Stupid me

Since the beginning of my latest RPG project I have been quite sure not to use humanoid avatars for the PC and NPcs (mostly due to artistic inabilities of mine).

It didn’t stop me though to make the inventory and equipment screen use a humanoid figure and all the typical slots for humanoids (head, torso, belt, legs, gloves, boots …)

Not only I can trash the screen now, I also must go back to start and actually think about what equipment slots the players should/will have … which finally means I need to even go back one step further and decide abou the “race” for players and NPCs, which I still couldn’t make up my mind.

I wonder how many players would actually notice if I keep the screen with the humanoid figure and display something else as PC avatar on the map :persecutioncomplex:

Looking at your screens, I think you put too much effort too early in your assets.
Try very simple placeholders, just using 2 or 3 colors while working on the GUI.

These placeholders are much easier to change,
else you could end up sticking to a sub-optimal GUI design, because it looks good.

Do the artisitc design, when you are shure the GUI works well.

If Dota 2, League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth can get away with boots on lizards and floating monsters, why not? ^^

Yes it’s odd. In the past (> 5 years ago) it was quite the opposite - I wrote a lot of code and had very bad graphics. Now I make better graphics, but the interest in the code has diminished. On the other hand I’m pretty sure I can do everything I want to, since I have coded almost a complete RPG system twice in the past … so there is little thrill in doing it a third time. Maybe this is also why I don’t write a lot about it - I have the code, it is even tested to a good extend, I just need to link it with the new frontend (OpenGL) and the new rules and graphics. It still will need weeks to assemble all the bits and peaces. And one of the old projects was C++, so porting code from there isn’t quite as straiggtforward, but doable if I really need to (the field of view code will be taken from there).

I’ll see what happens.

I always wondered if krakens get 8 kicks per round ;D or maybe 7, for balance reasons.

But good to know that others ran into that problem, too 8)