Stupid business side of games industry

Is the business side of games necessary, well yes. But does it really have to be as ugly as this?

The “game industry” doesn’t refere only to the big whorish corporations.
I think these corporations are doomed in the medium term, they wil die by where they have sinned : too much money (their shareholder will sooner or later decide they want their money back). These companies have decided it would be a waste of time to make anything else than big licenses (NFL,NBA,harry potter,Disney,lucas,etc,etc…). And these licensing prices will probably go through the roof with time.
When they start putting advertisement in their games , you can imagine how interesting the final “prodct” will be. Today already ,most console and PC games have become nothing but an exposition of breasts,semi-naked girls, big cars, gangsta attitude and of course big guns. It seems that the intellectually challenged are a better market for this “industry”.

I think there is some room for some adventurous independant companies that can market interesting games without a million dollars investment.There are so many consumers that dont find what they want in today’s commercial games.what is a niche market today can become the heart of the industry tomorrow, after all videogames are a luxury and consumer are generally prone to make some efforts to go toward a more “elitist” offer (just look at how much money people have been ready to waste to obtain the latest import of japanese videogames or mangas).
IMHO That’s the best way to go for a good aspiring coder , it has became a really bad idea to try to have a job in the so-called “industry” now, unless you want to be treated like a slave.
Unless the “big industry” kills independant companies with algorythm patents.