Streaming problem on WinXP

Dear All,

I am using the latest Joal code from CVS and the latest OpenAL SDK (not the one on their CVS server).

I am streaming buffers to Joal using a variant of Tutorial 8 on DevNet (from which JoAL tutorials are based).

I noticed that JoAL/OpenAL got preempted quite easily, as the author noted. However, when Windows Media Player is started with some sound and then paused, there is no pre-emption anymore. I believe this indicates a bug in the initialization of JoAL/OpenAL.

To initialize JoAL/OpenAL, I simply use ALut.alutInit(); which initializes DirectSound. I tried with DirectSound3D by expanding alutInit() but anyway, the problem remains.

Does anyone knows a better to initialize OpenAL? or a fix for this issue?



+1 from me to get this fixed- or working better…