
Come and participate in the story. It will be Java based! Please go pick yourself a character by typing your selection as a new post in this thread. :slight_smile:

  1. Charles JCheckbox is driving around in Canada on a motorbike!

  2. Olympia JToggleButton sells sweaters in Helsinki, Finland!

  3. John JFrame is stuck in Memphis under a big hat!

  4. Joleene Servlet works as a waiter in Berlin, Germany!

  5. Lester URLConnection plays lives in Bangkok.

  6. Anne System works as cleaning-woman in Miami.

The story begins…

Anne System phones Joleene Servlet and dials the wrong number. She gets John JFrame who is stuck under a hat in Memphis. Their chemistry is ok, so they decide to meet up with Joleene Servlet, Lester URLConnection, Charles JCheckbox, Olympia JToggleButton at John JFrames uncles house in Scotland.

Best regards Morten Hansen, todays Java Storyteller