Stickmen Wars #2 feasibility test

My relentless search for free/easy graphics turned up Junior General and inspired me to have a go at Stickmen Wars 2.

Here’s a feasibility test. (No load handler yet so plz wait! BTW, fps>20?) Ok, they’re not really stickmen!

Currently the units just wander about and ignore eachother - in fact the current AI sux bigtime, but the principle’s sound…
The idea is a multiplayer battle game where the opposing armies have to carry a flag from the middle of the map to the opponent’s ‘home’ to win. Maybe 4 types of unit: cavalry, infantry, archers, cannon.
The working-as-a-group AI is going to be fearsome to do - any suggestions?

Very nice! The FPS seemed way higher than 20. The 3d-ness is cool, so is the pathfinding

28fps on a 2.2GHz Intel Core Duo

Nice! I got it running 10-11 fps in “Quite Mode” on my PC(so probably it doesn’t count a lot), going to try in “Gaming” or “Performance” mode when going to be at home… PC makes too much noise :smiley:

But it’s really nice work!

very nice ;D

This is a great start. The 2D artwork functions very well in the 3D environment, and you did a very good job making the characters face the correct directions as they move. Very cool. Just add the “game” part in and it’ll be super sweet.

Solid 70fps here(q6600@3.2ghz, gtx260, win7 x64); presumably it can’t go any higher?

21- 51 fps. Av about 37. Using only 1 core.

2.27Ghz dual core, Gma 4500HD

Thanks for testing guys! The FPS is unpegged so it should run as fast as the machine will go, but I reckon 20fps is about the playable minimum.
I’ll see what it’s like when I give the archers some arrows…

Looks very weird on my PC at work (Core2 Duo, Java6u18, Windows XP, Nvidia Quadro NVS 290, Firefox 3.5 and IE 8 )…

Might be related to the graphics driver…i’ll try it at home later.

Edit: It is a driver problem. It goes away if i turn hardware acceleration three notches down in the display settings.

Phew! Odd though - it’s all software rendered…

Seems to be a blitting issue with the Java-plugin or the browser…this driver behaves quite strange on other occasions too, so i wouldn’t worry too much about it.

The 3D engine can’t handle that many textured arrows so I had to use 2D to fake it. It doesn’t look that bad… They don’t do any damage yet. Also added a new unit, infantry. Take a peek - there’s still no load mechanism so forgive the blank screen at the start!

Arrows look fine to me - though when compared to the height of the unit sprites the arrows must be ~3 metres long?!

Btw, if the browser window is closed while the applet is running I sometimes get this exception on the console:

Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at View3D.draw(
	at Tumble.paintGame(
	at Source)

:slight_smile: I just noticed that myself. There was a drawing error on the arrows (int instead of float). Fixed now. NPE should be fixed also.

Cannons! Yaaay!
Maybe they should be drawn front rather than side on?

And (very primitive) death.
What next, flocking behaviour or multiplayer?

Make a strong single player AI ;D

It’s very important to add multiplayer as soon as possible. Slapping it on in the end never works.

AI is never as fun as playing a real opponent, so I’d go for multiplayer.