steamworks4j - Lightweight Java Wrapper for Steam API

Hey guys,

I know from the IRC that a lot of people looking for a lightweight Steam API on Java. A friend of mine had the same problem a few weeks ago and wrote his own one: steamworks4j

If somebody is interested looking into it:


Already starred it on GitHub. :slight_smile:

We are planning to go the Steam way - so I will for sure be interested in this library soon.

This was much needed, great work.

Cas already wrote one and said he would share with whoever signed the NDA and needed it.
Is there no NDA needed for this, is this not complete, what are the differences ?

I think steamworks is not the whole steam API stuff I guess.

I’ll try to get Daniel to answer here, he’ll probably knows best, he wrote it :smiley:


I’m the author of the steamworks4j library.

As stated in the documentation, the wrapper is indeed not “feature-complete”. I started it last year, in a sudden outbreak of the “Not Invented Here” syndrome, to replace the Puppy Games wrapper they generously shared for use in our game back then.

As such, I did just implement as much as I needed, and since then I’m slowly adding, with some helpful user contributions, more APIs by request. As a rule of thumb, I just add what’s asked for, and can be tested & verified as promptly as possible.

Achievements, user stats, leaderboards, cloud saves, user-generated content, friends, networking and gameserver APIs are wrapped so far, with varying levels of completeness.

Regarding legal/NDA: to my knowledge I don’t violate the developer agreement. I don’t distribute any Valve files except the redistributable runtime binaries. I’m not a lawyer though, so if you aren’t sure, feel free to consult your Valve contact before using it.

Much obliged.