I think Lindy (the missis) already have the longest roads possible
I agree that you most of the time build stations next to city roads, but what if you need to pull one or two road pieces to get the best spot in the city?
Increasing maintenance costs with older cars was something I thought about on the way to my mom today (Riven had already mentioned something similar), and it seems like a nice idea which isn’t very hard to implement, but it might be a bit harder to visualize so I think it’ll have to wait.
I’d prefer to keep the bus costs higher than the station costs as the bus costs is visible and easy to relate to whether or not a bus line is lucrative. Station costs will be a bit hid away on the economy page.
Economy page… let me finish the maintenance cost (already implemented in the test environment but not tested) and then see what I can do about a summary page for your economy
As of tomorrow I’ll be driving back to home after the vacation, so don’t expect too many updates or posts until Monday or so.