Is there a limit for the distance that a bus can go ? I have made a bus (90) that go almost… half of the map :P. It was stuck in “can’t find a path” for quite some time ;D
Features that miss :
a way to delete a bus
a way to change origine/destination of a bus (You should do that you can only change the station the bus is not on the way to)
use bus-stations from other users and pay a (high) fee (for use the station and take the passengers [only 20 instead of 50 etc]. I think it would be more realistic. A little city with 6 different bus companies is “strange”. (only a idea)
like bonbon-chan said: delete a bus and change the destination
perhaps a bank to start faster. A credit (perhaps not more than 100000) with 10% per day …
a ingame chat/message to write other players
perhaps the possibility to build your own city (your own city has advantages like more pasengers but cost a lot) … I think the players would like it and "user"content is always a good feature =)
I’m gone for a few hours with the family and I come back to lots of ideas. You guys are the best!
I didn’t see the bug myself, but I synched the money with the rendering to see if it helps the next time I update the client
I’m a bit for and a bit against in game chat. There will definitely be a way to send messages to other players (i.e “can I use your station for a week if I pay you 5000?”) and a forum but chats usually go off topic and get spammed. Maybe a chat for the people in the same cartel (guild)…
I’ll look into the stacktrace, thanks
There is a limit of 50.000 squares,8 times or so back and fourth over the whole map. Except for that there is no limit, but I noticed a bug where it says can’t find path on the client for some time if you look at another part of the map. The car is actually driving though on the server and you’ll get money for it as if it left right away.
Selling buses will definitely come. There was a way to change the destination of a bus but if you did that when on the way to (or at) the destination that station got bugged and no buses left anymore. I’ll re-implement it somewhere down the line (but with the limit of changing the station only when waiting at the other station).
Indeed, is that really bad? If so I’ll move the code around a bit so it checks the cost for both actions at the same time instead of one after the other.
Hi Apo! Welcome back, I was missing your input
I’ve had the same idea but there needs to be some communication system and so on in place before I tackle buying services of others.
I’ve thought about a bank in the past but I think I’ll implement it differently. My current ideas go towards borrowing money from cartels (guilds) to make the player community more interactive and communication more important. It’d be really cool if some richer people went together and got famous as the bank cartel for example (by putting their cartel research into the economy tree and advertising on the forum).
Message, yes, chat… doubtful (see reply above).
I really like owning things but I think it’ll be things like factories and airports and not cities. Becoming the mayor of a city on the other hand…
Today’s changes are now online. If you did not know already I keep a list of changes in the second post of the thread if you want to see what changed since you tested it the last time or if you notice a bug that should be fixed. I’ve only had 2-3 hours to work on it today so there is nothing groundbreaking.
8th of August 2011: New:
Added information to the vehicle list window, it now also displays the current status of the vehicle and the stations used
The vehicle and the station window now has a goto button to easily locate your station, as before the goto for vehicles is a bit buggy and will be fixed in not too long, there might also be some vehicles that say “cannot find path” even though they actually are driving, and if you try to locate them the game might crash
The vehicle/station window list now opens the vehicle/station window instead of going to the station right away
Changed the default sort direction of inhabitants on the city window
Changed the station color on the map to red
Fixed an issue with the map not being displayed properly when logged in for more than 20 minutes
Potentially fixed a bug where the money displayed incorrectly for a short period of time
yet, there were allways in the station.
Can you add a statistic to buses : money earn/hour (just sum money earn in an hour and display the sum of the last hour) ? If it stay at 0, it means that they don’t move.
I fixed one bug with vehicles without a path and will fix the annoying one now.
That statistic will definitely come, and once you pay maintenance for buses it’ll be a very interesting statistic. I’m not sure if I’ll make it per day or hour though. If per hour will send out more messages and do more calculations, but not everyone is in the same timezone so if I do it per day I’ll need to add the server time somewhere.
Crash! =( I opened my bus list and find many buses with “cannot find a path”. After that I clicked on the goto button (of one of my “cannot find a path” buses) and after that firefox crashed and java too. :persecutioncomplex:
Dragging around quickly doesn’t work well :\ it moves back to original location, or just generally takes a long time.
Not sure if this error is related or not (or something to do with zoom? I don’t know):
at com.stateofprofit.client.r.a.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.m.c.f(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.m.d.u(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.k.f.y(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.k.f.processMessages(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.b.c.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
I’ll double buffer some VBO creation to limit the choppyness, I’m not sure about the first stacktrace but I fixed the second one (I’ll update the client shortly). Thanks!
Fixed the last bugs around vehicles, they should now never say “Cannot find path” except if there is no path or lock up the computer trying to locate the ones that cannot find a path. You can now also use “goto” to go to a vehicle that’s far away and it’ll approximate the position where the vehicle is.
I also fixed some general bugs around vehicles, hope it all works out fine, let me know if you see something suspicious
Restarted the server.
EDIT: It seems to work, I hope nothing broke as I’ll be gone for a few hours…
I’m too busy with programming to play it alot myself so I’m really grateful that you guys are testing it all for me
Tonight… either maintenance costs for vehicles and stating how much vehicles are making/loosing or changing bus stations and selling vehicles, we’ll see
at com.stateofprofit.client.r.a.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.m.c.f(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.m.d.u(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.k.f.y(Unknown Source)
at com.stateofprofit.client.k.f.processMessages(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Also, the bug with the money displaying. It happens when your money updates right after buying something. So if you put down a road and you also gain money from a bus right after, your money will look messed up.
Thanks, found a potential issue with the code at the stack trace and fixed it. Thanks also for the better definition with the money, I think I fixed it too now. Also fixed a bug where it would take really long to find a path when you missed building a road piece but added it later. Coming in tonight’s update.
Looking into at least showing the money a vehicle made during the last hour tonight, don’t think I’ll finish maintenance as I’m quite tired.
The money each vehicle made in the last hour is now visible in the vehicle list (not yet sortable) and the vehicle window. You can now only see 5 vehicles at the same time so I might need to rearrange some things in the window to be more efficient for the ones of you with hundreds of vehicles.
It updates once per hour (not per se on the whole hour) so it’ll take an hour before the server shows the number. It’s not stored in the database yet so it’ll be reset at each server restart.
Restarted the server and updated the client.
EDIT: It all seems to work. My best bus is making 1783, what about the rest of you?