Mind fucked. Hard.
You created State of Profit writing a web-server, a 3D-client, your own UI toolkit, your own webpage, but you never used a [icode]public static main(String[] args) {[/icode]? Well… as I said. Mind is fucked
Now, back:
Yes, to create a desktop application you first of all need a main(). #checked
Then you need to export the libraries (you can do this using Eclipse’s jar export usually… you probably need to find the option (it was in the last dialog, afaik.))
You need to do this with the “Export Runnable Jar”, since you need a MANIFEST in your jar (just open it up with any archiever and you’ll find the file. It contains information like the version, the classpath and (importantly) the main class, which should contain the main().)
Now in the end you need to ship the fitting natives, but thats another story for tomorrow
If I remember right, then you’re from Germany. I could help you out if you have problems, btw. Just come to the #lwjgl irc, and we’ll make a private chat.
Oh and finally: You app didn’t work for me Blackscreen. No exceptions… Remembered “Display.update()?”… perhaps? (I don’t know the differences between LwjglApplet and desktop Lwjgl. It’s a guess from the knowings from the Java Applets)