State of Fortune

That’s about the same as my computer. I’ll look into what I can improve on to push the fps up.

Here is a good explanation of texture/pixel bleeding. I’ll look into doing some LOD magic in a shader to see if I can get around it.

I have the same on a computer at home, no one else mentioned it so I didn’t prioritize it. I’ll fix it tonight or so :slight_smile:


I fixed it (I hope), can you try again?

I also looked into the texture bleeding and apparently it is the texture min/mag filter that does it. I made blocks use nearest (for now) which fixed the issue. It looks a bit “blocky” though but even though it still looks better.

You can also hold L now to quickly raise/lower some land instead of having to jump in and out of the menu constantly.


Are you going to add something like “God rays”?
I think it would look even better then.
But still:

I agree!

  • Longor1996

I improved some logic around streaming in land when walking around as well as some other fixes (mostly when fill rate limited). Can you let me know if the fps is improved?

I’d love to add that, just need to the the time to figure out how to without causing a huge performance drop :slight_smile:


Sure, it improved my fps at some points, but decreased it at other points i guess.
I render average between 60-100 fps and with some viewing-angles, the fps drops to 20-30.

Thanks for testing. The decrease probably came from me loading in twice as much land compared to before. When looking in the worst case scenario direction you could see much further than before. I lowered it for now and will probably allow it to be increased using some setting in the future :slight_smile:


When i’m trying to run applet i’m getting this exception Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at com.sun.deploy.cache.Cache$ Source)
	at Method)
	at com.sun.deploy.cache.Cache.downloadResourceToCache(Unknown Source)
	at com.sun.deploy.cache.DeployFileOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at$HttpInputStream.close(Unknown Source)
	at org.lwjgl.util.applet.AppletLoader.downloadJars(
	at Source)
This occurred while 'Downloading packages'
failed to download landscapeTest.jar after 3 attempts
java.lang.Exception: failed to download landscapeTest.jar after 3 attempts
	at org.lwjgl.util.applet.AppletLoader.downloadJars(
	at Source)

Same error happens to me

Thanks :slight_smile:

Apparently Filezilla stopped in the middle of transfer, fixed it now (together with some other fixes in game).


Uploaded a new version where you can walk slowly (when walking slowly you can’t fall when building tricky things) and fixed all known (non graphical) issues.

Also added HQ textures for the ground so when you look down you don’t get shocked by the blurry madness. :slight_smile:


Done! :slight_smile:

It’s very shader intensive though so I suggest you only have it turned on if you have a newish graphics card.


Could we please have a downloadable Jar? ::slight_smile: I dont like applets… :persecutioncomplex:

No idea how to do that with lwjgl (different per platform?) and while I do need to figure it out sooner or later with the current reputation of applets I think I’ll better spend the time I have on programming :slight_smile:

Here is the jar if you already have lwjgl on your computer and just can add it as well as the native libs :slight_smile:


I almost got your .jar working, only need the name of you main class… :confused: Main.class doesn’t seem to be the main class according to $ java -jar

Some more information:
I extracted the Jar, changed the MANIFEST so it includes the main class, added the natives into the directory, re-compressed the stuff to a .jar archive, but it’s not working:

$ java -jar landscapeTest.jar
Error: Main method not found in class com.playingaround.client.Main$2, please define the main method as:
   public static void main(String[] args)

Right, it’s an applet so I don’t have a main class, I quickly learned how to make it into an app (only made applets with Java), this should work:

I also noticed that (re)creating the display was a whole lot quicker when using a display mode instead of set parent, funny :slight_smile:

I think the process sticks around after closing it (no idea how to remove a main app :P).


Mind fucked. Hard.

You created State of Profit writing a web-server, a 3D-client, your own UI toolkit, your own webpage, but you never used a [icode]public static main(String[] args) {[/icode]? Well… as I said. Mind is fucked :smiley:

Now, back:

Yes, to create a desktop application you first of all need a main(). #checked
Then you need to export the libraries (you can do this using Eclipse’s jar export usually… you probably need to find the option (it was in the last dialog, afaik.))
You need to do this with the “Export Runnable Jar”, since you need a MANIFEST in your jar (just open it up with any archiever and you’ll find the file. It contains information like the version, the classpath and (importantly) the main class, which should contain the main().)
Now in the end you need to ship the fitting natives, but thats another story for tomorrow :slight_smile:

If I remember right, then you’re from Germany. I could help you out if you have problems, btw. Just come to the #lwjgl irc, and we’ll make a private chat.

Oh and finally: You app didn’t work for me :frowning: Blackscreen. No exceptions… Remembered “Display.update()?”… perhaps? :smiley: (I don’t know the differences between LwjglApplet and desktop Lwjgl. It’s a guess from the knowings from the Java Applets)

I’m just guessing when I’m creating things (Riven can attest to that) :slight_smile: I’m Swedish/Dutch so German is doable but I prefer not to :wink:

I hope you have windows as I made an .exe out of it. I tested it and it works om my computer at least. Can you see if you have better luck with that one?

Linky link:


I’ve been working on this project for two months now. Getting time to figure out what it should become :stuck_out_tongue: My current plan is something like a multiplayer game where you can buy land to have an area where you can build things (houses for fun or a farm for example to make money by selling products).

You can now build several blocks at once so it is a lot quicker to build bigger constructions. You can also build with cylinders to make more interesting things :slight_smile:


Omg the scattering trough the trees looks awesome, my laptop does not seem to care if it on (same performance day / night).
However it does not look good behind clouds and and at the left top of my screen weird stuff is happening(1 line of random vertical stripes), only when the sun is up.
Also, the moon does not move (its still visible at day).

Hi Robin,

I have the same scattering things on one computer so I’ll fix it once I figure out what in the shader is causing it.

The moon is visible during the day IRL too, right? :wink: I’ll improve on the moon somewhere down the line, I still need to make it move correctly and have different phases.

Glad you like it!
