Starting game development, need guidance?

I have made a couple of games on java swing then i figured out there is java graphics, graphics2d, graphics3d, libraries as well… Not sure swing is the right library for doing game development so I have been browsing the internet on what’s the best library that i could start game development on, i have heard people recommending libgdx as well and there is a low level library lwjgl which is also quite exciting with the prospects of opengl.
But please if anyone could suggest me about these java libraries such as graphics and swing and all comparative to lwjgl and libgdx?

I do like libgdx, I’m also fairly new at game development.

What I like with libgdx is that you write one set of code and it works on all devices (mostly).

The downside is that it’s not always clear how to use the functions of libgdx with just the javadocs, and so it’s probably less beginner friendly. It does have a helpful community, and the people on this site are mostly friendly and helpful too.

Just be patient, and start small and simple, you’ll learn more by making a 2d space invaders clone but made complete, with sound, animations, levels, menus, etc… than you will starting the latest mmmorpg and never getting past getting a player walking on the map.

The only way to find out which library you should use is to try out a few different libraries and see what you like best.

LibGDX is great, but you have to be pretty comfortable with programming, OOP, IDE setup, and looking up documentation and tutorials.

I also really like Processing, especially if you’re just starting out.

Just try a few things out and see what you like. Put together a little Hello World application, and feel free to ask specific questions if you get stuck. Good luck.

I guess it partly depends on why the current stuff you’re using is proving problematic. I don’t believe there’s much you can’t actually do with Graphics2D into a Swing GUI, and a side benefit is they’re part of the base language so you’re learning stuff widely used in general business work, not just game dev.

Definitely good advice! The libraries all solve various problems, but by sticking with basic ways for a project or two you’ll understand what those problems are, and will be able to asses the pros and cons of each library for the particular work you want to do.

I recommend putting the late-comer JavaFX into consideration, as well. (I’m referring to the Java 8 iteration of JavaFX, not the original mess.) I think it is easier to learn and use than Swing/Java2D and has a lot of 3D implemented as well. It is part of the base Java language now. I wrote a tutorial to help get started, if you want to get a taste of it.

I’m not clear what is going on with LWJGL-based game engines right now. A version 3.0 has been created, but the game engines (Libgdx, JMonkeyEngine, Flash) seem to be sticking with 2.9.2 or whatever the last version 2 is. The jump from 2 to 3 is significant. I don’t know the extent to which the various game engines shield the user from the OpenGL implementation. Maybe it is a non-issue for the application programmer. Am looking forward to comments that might clarify this situation! Thanks Brynn.

There is also JOGL to consider. Folks that actually have experience with it will have to give you its selling points. I’ve not tried it myself.

Other than Libgdx there’s Mini2Dx wich just got a site update. It’s pretty much slick for the GDX developer. Slick2D is pretty much complete and discontinued so this is a good alternative if you want to use the same platforms as LibGDx. I recommend it for it’s pretty simple style.

Really? :persecutioncomplex: There is no such class in any famous 3D Java framework.