Star 4x


This is the beta for my entry.. still is not a game... but I will find something to make it funny.

Downlad Jar

Arrows move, Ctrl Space shoot, Esc to exit

Update 2008-12-13: New Version: Executable Jar
Update 2008-12-22: New Version: Executable Jar WebStart

Wow! Very cool! Runs great!

looking good so far! i like the parial rotational effect. It makes it feel more dynamic and intense.

It reminds me of the Ares submission in 2005?

Very cool! Impressive for only 4k - how hacked up is the rendering, did you do a full software renderer or did you have to cut a lot of corners to fit it in?

Also, a quick suggestion to make the final product playable for those of us on Macs - avoid the arrow key + ctrl combination in game controls, on 10.5 by default that combo switches you to a different desktop. :slight_smile:

Very cool stuff - I especially like the 3D effect when the player moves from the far side of a screen to another side. As you said yourself though, gameplay needs some work :slight_smile:

This is somewhat similar to what code I’d already written for a game (also a spaceship game, but most likely racing rather than shooting). Mind you, yours is way cooler - mine didn’t look quite natural.

So far, I’ve had four ideas for the 4k (Couronne, Left 4 Dead clone, Space game, and a remake of one of my non-4k games) - three of which have already been more or less taken. Ack! I’ll have to be faster next year! :>

I like it! Great work squeezing out some cool graphics. Obviously the next step is to make it a game.

Here goes the second version of the game, keeps all the features, and now is a game…

I need to put the title and game over screens…

Web Start
Executable Jar

As always, comments and feedback is welcome!

Very cool, surprised you fit all that in 4k.

Nice! Is there a reason why jnlp has .php extension?


For those who do not have complete control over MIME types on their server, that is common workaround to set the Content-Type to application/x-java-jnlp-file

It’s possible to add the jnlp content-type in a .htaccess file, that is if the webserver is apache.

I think he meant that :wink:

Riven.instance().uselessPostCount++; :frowning:

Haha. I really like the new name. :slight_smile:

Up/down is the wrong way around tho.

There is also trick to use URL like this:

It’s standard feature of PHP, the link actually works :slight_smile: Better to rename to some other name for the php script and even better is to use proper setting with .htaccess if possible.

It was answered, I have no control over mime settings…

It’s easy to change, but maybe in the next version

I’ll see if I can play with the .htaccess file.

As always, comments & critics are welcome!

Looks great, but I found the aiming a bit tricky - seems you can’t hit some enemies at all!

Yeah, the code for the enemy spawn makes them appear outside of the playing field, but the ships is not bounded to the screen, you can go out to shoot those enemies.

About the aiming, the bullets have a direction of 1.2*ship’s direction, so they can spread more. Maybe a bigger impact radius to make it easier.

New version,

Now posted in Java4K

*Includes Title Screen

*Enemies are less spread out of the screen.


[url=]Executable Jar[/url]

Agreed. And the ships remind me a bit of the original Star Fox :slight_smile:

Obviously, this was inspired by Star Fox (SNES). The 3D engine was implemented well. You should discuss how it works. I am having a lot of trouble targeting the enemies. I can’t position my ship to aim at them and I can’t tell where the enemy bullets are in respect to my ship until they come really close to hitting me. Cool graphics, but difficult to play.