This is a project I just started on my own. I have built a code base from the ground up that I think I will be able to use as the foundation to make a pretty decent side-scroller in Java. I have borrowed images for animation sprites for Zero… obtained from As well as the background freely obtained.
Anyone that would like their art featured in a game, or engine demo that will be open source once it gets to its point of best usability. I intend to see this project through the rest of my time at Auburn University which will be at least a couple years. 2+. So I imagine I will have plenty done on that. If anyone is looking for a project to do in Java. Or if you know anyone that can make any graphics that I could use for side scrolling type games. Or any 2D backgrounds or sprites at all.
Right now there are a couple things that I am trying to accomplish:
Calculating the actual FPS in my run() method using my Thread object, polling the system time, implementing the Runnable interface. I need to be able to calculate FPS, ect. and output to the screen, fairly often and accurately for debug purposes.
Add a class that manages multiple JFrames and JPanels to render HUD elements to, as my game will not be full screen. I am not sure that I can make this work for an applet that can be run completely in-browser and that was a definite plus when looking at this project. I believe everything I have as of now should run just as fine in an Applet as it does using my JFrame and running as a java application.
Any tips on the best way to handle keyboard input. I notice that when a button is held down, it sends tons of key down events, but then only one key release event when u let up.
I have found that this can cause problems when using complex boolean operations inside an if else if … statement. This problems seem to disappear when using a switch. Probably has to do with the fact different mechanics of how testing is done with a switch. -
The best way to handle state for different objects. Currently for any objects that I need to keep strict track of several states that the object could be in for logic purposes. I currently have several binary flags I call state flags. which can be set to true or false. The combination of all these flags and their values are what makes up an objects state in my code. I was thinking this might be good to put these flags in some kind of order, that I can generate a binary number with, that I can test for specific binary strings to do complex state checks and therefore more complex state logic.
If any programmers have any thoughts on any of this e-mail me at
Graphic artists that would be willing to work on an open source project e-mail me at The art that I am most interested in making would be for game demos with a style like Megaman or Metroid, but more fast paced. I want some really trippy retro backgrounds though.