wow at those powerups! tight stuff! cool intro too
I don’t think I’ve played a game with 5+ powerups o_O!
Nice. The contra-ish intro is also neat.
However, my machine triggers the QPC leaping bug (it randomly jumps a few seconds into the future whenever it feels like doing so)… therefore its not really playable here.
What is your OS, CPU speed and Java version?
What is your OS, CPU speed and Java version?
Its a hardware (chipset) issue. The only way to solve it is to buy another mainboard with a chipset which isn’t affected.
The proper way to handle it in software is to use another (low res) timer in addition, which is used to check if there really was such a big jump. If not you use some extrapolated value.
Thats not really an option for 4k. But you could cap the delta at some sensible value like 16msec.
System.nanoTime uses queryperformancecounter (QPC) on windows, which may result in random jumps into the future with specific chipsets.
The only way to get rid of that is to buy another mainboard.
What kind of computer do you have? Can you tell us about your OS, Java version and CPU speed just for fun?
great game, really enjoyed it.
Did you beat it?
Win2k, 6.0rc, k7 500… but that information won’t help you much, I’m afraid.
There are also other QPC issues on newer hardware, but those issues are a bit different.
(Thats the reason why lwjgl doesn’t use QPC anymore. Instead TGT (timegettime) with 1msec resolution is used, which is very stable and robust.)
I tested this on a 1.8 GHz WinXP machine. Can you run the template program I posted under “Help Getting Started” and let me know if that animates smoothly? Thx.
Hi Zero One
The smooth action almost forget that you are using ‘just’ squares and circles.
Although I’m not a fan of shooters, this actually had me played for a whole 5 minutes ;D
The bonus being the power-ups!
Best regards from
i may be wrong but…
first 4k game with INTRO ever!!
works nice and smooth on an amd athlonxp 2800+ running linux (2.6.18-2-k7) and java 1.5.0_09
It also jumps a few seconds into the future every now and then. Why should it behave differently?
[quote]It also jumps a few seconds into the future every now and then. Why should it behave differently?
Thanks for testing the template. I just wanted to know if you got different behavior. Meaning, if the problem was specific to Squarius or to the animation technique on your processor.
QPC+bus load is everything you need for triggering it. Command line stuff for example isn’t affected, but everything game like is.
So, to get accurate timing in general you still need JNI?
So, to get accurate timing in general you still need JNI?
On windows, yes. Linux and Mac already have 1msec resolution for currentTimeMillis.
You could also use nanoTime with some extra voodoo to get a usable timer, but that would require far too much code for 4k.
no, got to level 6, that level is just way to hard to beat