A tribute to the arcade classic Spy Hunter. The goal is simple: Drive as far as you can. Earn extra points by shooting enemies or knocking them off the road. Be careful not to cause harm to civilians!
- Based on original arcade game sprites!
- Increasing difficulty levels
- Extra life given every 10K points
- Pixel-exact collision detection
- In-Game Hi-Score
- ENTER to switch gears
- LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to drive
- UP ARROW to accelerate
- CTRL to fire
- ESCAPE to exit
- 250 points for killing Switch Blade
- 500 points for killing Road Lord
- Don’t forget hi gear (ENTER). It can provide you a means of escape in a tricky situation.
- Once in hi gear, you don’t have to switch into low gear to slow down; just taking your foot (finger) off of the accelerator (UP ARROW) will slow you down but leave you in hi gear.
- Comming to a complete stop or colliding into another car automatically switches you into low gear.
- Bumping into a motorcycle will cause it to die immediately.
- Enemies in front of you will speed away if you slow down to a point where you are not earning points.
- You CAN knock Road Lord off the road! Persistence is key. Also, swiping him on the corner can provide a bigger hit and make it easier to knock him off.
- The difficulty level is determined by the number of simultaneous cars on the screen, with an extra car being added very 10K points
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Please take a minute to leave some feedback once you’ve played the game. If you don’t want to sign into the forums, you can email your feedback (see email address below)
I will keep the roster updated for the top 3 scores posted into the forums.
The game can seem difficult at first, but if you keep playing you will develop patterns of play that will help you get to 20-30K points.
Good Luck!
SpyHunter4K (at) iNamik (dot) com