Sprite Shootout Contest Thread

splitting off from this thread.

The aim of the contest is simple, to find out which is the fastest and bestest java sprite engine/library in the world :slight_smile:

The first benchmark will be a simple test, draw as many sprites as possible while running at a constant 60 frames per second. The engine/library that is able to draw and handle the most sprites wins.

You can use the following sprite to begin with on a white background.

The balls can overlap, the transparent bits on the image must be transparent (e.g. blending is one way to achieve that), the balls must not leave the screen (should bounce of edge). When adding balls just add them at a random position, moving in a random direction and speed.

EDIT: updated sprite and rules.

EDIT2: remove collision requirement as per Riven’s suggestion and updated rules.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to time how long it took to render 10000 frames with a fixed number of sprites. Then it doesn’t matter what machine you run it on you can compare the engines?


smooth movement and constant frame rate including the users preception of these should be an important part of the first benchmark. Guess we can use the above method in the next round when thing like logic speed and the ability for the engine/library to manage many sprites quickly in different situations could be tested. If the results are really close between some libraries/engines we’ll have as many different benchmarks until there is a single winner.

Cool cool cool!

Hey what about just do the bubblemark test? http://bubblemark.com/

Show how the game engines beat the pants off flash, silverlight, javaFX, java+swing, etc.

I see that kappa must have made one using LWJGL once, but this link is broken on the bubblemark page:


The gloves are off!

I’ll concoct a little webstart this arvo and see how it runs.

O’course, it’s going to be slightly tricky to show off the awesome animation / special effect interleaving capabilities of the SPGL sprite engine but meh :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

No reason not to do bubblemark, but would it not also make sense to at least try something that involves several different sprites, perhaps some animation, etc?

Any photoshop/gimp/etc experts around that can help clean this 60 frame gif into a nice usable png spritesheet for the contest, hopefully with an alpha background that doesn’t have horrid dots around the globe? or if you have another nice round 60 frame animatable image :slight_smile:

Yeh it did beat/kill all the competition there, sorry bout the link, will check tonight if i still have it locally, if so will upload it again.

With a lot of sprites on the screen, this skews the results to the most highly optimized collision-detection algorithm… which has nothing to do with the performance of a sprite engine.

Ah good point, so how do you suggest we handle this? no collision at all or a standard algorithm that everyone must use? or something else? One concern is not to let the contest tests get too low level (i.e. just forcing every one to use pure java/opengl to optimise directly for the test) but to leave some bits for the actual libraries/engines running on such things to compete on how efficient they are.

If you want competitive performance, the only option is OpenGL anyway.

Besides that, I think what we really want it something that does a little more than sprite rendering, say, it has to support multiple layers. Your engine might be able to analyze a scene and determine that the ‘terrain layer’ is mostly static, and may be baked into a single texture. Obviously every once in a while the terrain-texture will change, as to invalidate any clever optimizations.

I think the best way to turn this into a contest is this:

  • code a rolling demo, where every sprite has a deterministic position (transformation-matrix?) for each frame.
  • feed all changes through an interface, that the dev will implement
    [li]public void addSprite(Sprite s, int layer)
  • public void updateSprite(Sprite s, int layer, Point p, float scale, float rotation) ?
  • public void updateSprite(Sprite s, int layer, Matrix4 m) ?
  • public void removeSprite(Sprite s, int layer)
  • public void renderFrame()
  • The viewport size will be fixed (say 800x600)
  • After 10.000 frames or so, the demo is over.
  • Scoring: (timestampAfter-timestampBefore) (lower is better)
    [/list]keeping in mind that this will have wildly varying performance characteristics due to hardware and software differences.

The idea is that everybody’s output will look exactly the same.

Now somebody should write an interesting rolling-demo :slight_smile:

ah nice.

just to get things rolling, lets stick with first benchmark suggestion for the first run. Mainly since its simple and doesn’t require more then few minutes of coding to implement and just have an option to turn off collision detection.

Yeah, so, even the simple benchmark rules are pretty much useless. How big should the viewport be? (fill-rate). Should blending be enabled or not? Should stuff rotate/scale? Riven’s suggestion makes the most sense. Provide a simple testbed driver and let people hook it up to their stuff.

This is serious!

Collision detection is quite easy with circular sprites. Why not make it really difficult with an irregular based sprite with per-pixel collision detection. One might be able to do something with stencils. It would certainly make it interesting. ;D

Edit: Found some examples, but apparently the performance is poor, although I guess this means versus a rectangular bounding box.

anyway updated rules, no more collision requirement and balls can overlap (possibly allowing interesting optimisations).

Since no one has posted yet, I’ll start with the first example.

You can try a JWS version here.

I’m using a nightly build of Slick2D with LWJGL 2.7.1.

It was just a quick mock up so likely not optimal and is mostly just immediate mode calls to OpenGL, so doesn’t even touch the fancy stuff possible with OpenGL.

Use the 1-9 keys to change the number of balls.
Use the + and - keys to continue adding/removing balls (100 at a time) until the fps reaches about 60fps and adding any more balls causes it to go below 60, this will be the max power of the code on your computer.
Use the V key to enable/disable Vsync.

Source code is below:

Just for the hell of it and since CommanderKeith asked earlier about the bubblemark stuff, an Applet version can be found here. None of the other browser techs on the bubblemark page can even touch this sort of raw performance :slight_smile:

On my machine it can draw 28,000 balls before it starts to drop below 60fps, I think the test might be too weak for modern computers :slight_smile:

Two questions from me:

  • Will there be a minimum requirement for the target hardware? Personally I think the contest will be much more interesting if GLSL usage is allowed.

  • Are entries that are not backed by an engine/library allowed? Meaning, a simple sprite renderer written specifically for this contest.

I run at 22K balls in my system. I get only 12K in yours Kappa.


Press spacebar to produce 1K balls.

Powered by Artemis

There are no real strict rules as long as its not cheating or unfair to others, so GLSL usage is allowed.

An engine/library would have been nice but its not a requirement and I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind seeing how much more they can tune their libraries/engines or even attempt to beat/match it.

After all the outcome is for geek value anyway :slight_smile:

Can we change the goal? Let’s make the goal 50k sprites, and the highest FPS wins. Also let’s standardize the format people use to report results.

Implemented with libgdx:
Press space to add 1000, and up/down arrows to go by 100. See the console for FPS and ball count. This also runs on Android. :slight_smile:



I’ll try on my GTX275 later, but on this crappy Nvidia 3100m I get:
libgdx: 10,800 sprites @ 60fps
appel: 10,300 @ 60fps
kappa: 10,616 @ 60fps
I guess CPU limited?

oh just a warning, don’t run these tests for a long period of time (like going away to make a coffee while it runs), unless you want to see your gpu go up in flames :slight_smile:

The LibGDX version is highly dangerous in that regard :slight_smile: