Sprite Creator (Finished)

[b]Screenshots are outdated.

Will no longer be updating forum posts.
Please visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/spritecreator3 for all questions and comments. Follow Sprite Creator 3 to receive content updates.[/b]

Requires Java 6+ found here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/jav…oads/index.html This program will NOT run if you do not have Java 6+ installed. Java 7 is recommended.

Updated 8-30-2013 All links current.

Current Update:
Changed the menu around and added confirmation windows.

Also going to faze out the Web Applet version here soon.

Feel free to use the created images where ever you want. No credit is needed but is appreciated. Credit Famitsu if anything for the images they provided me for this Sprite Creator.

Major update. No longer requires a web browser to run. Just double click “SprCre.jar” or double click SprCre3.bat to run.

Enable double clicking of runnable JAR file:
If you have not set file associations for “.jar” file types then right click “SprCre.jar” select “open with”, go to where Java JRE is installed (usually c:/Program files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin" for 64bit java or “c:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin” for 32bit java.) Select javaw.exe (Must use javaw.exe NOT java.exe) and click ok. That should make the the jar runnable on double click. Or you can run SprCre3.bat. The path after “c:/Program Files/Java/” may appear different but just select the jre folder.

Did you find this program useful? Help me promote this applet by going to my facebook page and liking and commenting there on the wall. Would love to hear what people have to say.

Sprite Creator 3:
Facebook Page

NOTE: For entertainment and my personal use. Feel free to repost this where ever you like. If you would like the Source Code you can email me at Jensen_305@yahoo.com.

Generation is saved in png format with transparency enabled. The files are Saved in the “Saved” folder :wink:


Artwork not fully created by me although most of it is heavily modified and licensed. Some of the artwork is from Famitsu which is the point as this applet is intended to mimic the website as a ‘take with you’ option. This is for people starting out with programming or people who use GameMaker and RPGMaker and would like to experiment with pre-made character creations.

Special Thanks:
Axerax at RPGRevolution for the Sprite Creator 3 splash.
Holder at RPGRevolution.com for your beard images.

Create 117,717,292,862,668,800 character combinations. [:P]

Doesn’t require the web browser:
Web App and Application are combined in the same JAR now. You can use index.html or just double click the JAR to run. The layout will be automatically set.
Sprite Creator 3 Download (adf.ly > Rapidgator)
Sprite Creator 3 Download (adf.ly > Mediafire)
A small hoop to jump through for a free program. :slight_smile: Thanks for your support.

If you would like me to add resources that you made to this Sprite Creator PM a zip, I prefer mediafire please, and I’ll see what I can do. If you would like to create resources for the project so I can add them I can provide how the image layouts are. Please only provide images that you created. I cannot add images that require a license unless I can get that license free. Also please don’t send fully created characters unless the image is a .xcf gimp image with all the layers of the image separate.

Current project status:
Currently working on a very large update. Giving the window a menu to control what some of the buttons do and making the window have a more windows 8 feel.

Using start javaw gave me a SprCre.class not found error.
I had to change it to:

java -jar SprCre.jar

Now I’m getting a Unsupported Minor Version error lolz.

I’d recommend changing the minimum JRE required to JRE6+ due to the fact that JRE7 isn’t really stable.
(I don’t have it downloaded, many others can’t even download it)

I have had no problems using Java 7 since 7u2 on 64 bit windows 7.

I’ll see what I can’t do on the compile but I haven’t been controlling what Java versions you can use.

EDIT: Allowing Java 6 breaks the program and I would have to change code around to get it to work. Java 7 is required as I use Java 7 specific functions that are not available in Java 6, so Java 6 will not be supported.


start javaw -jar SprCre.jar

is used to launch the program only if you cannot double click a Jar and have it run. Using Java.exe instead of Javaw.exe will not work.

EDIT2: Well I went and did it anyways. Next release “should” allow 1.6+. But it still wont be supported and any problems will require Java 7 to solve. But the next release compiles fine using 1.6 and 1.7

Updated the program.
Adding a new Tail option.
Added 5 new Tail Options with 6 colors each.

Java 6+ supported. Java 7 Recommended

Updated the program.
Added an option “Bangs” for both male and female.
Added 16 different Bangs for both male and female in 6 colors each.

Hey this is pretty neat. Good job, and good luck with future updates.

Added zombie and goblin for JUST male. I do not have the female versions, as I have to draw them myself. Until I draw them, or someone draws them for me and submits them they will not be added. Might be a few days before I get the female versions.

This is really cool! Good job! I loved the Famitsu characters. My only problem was, I wanted my sprites to be able to walk in 8 directions and not just 4.

Ahh yes. I would have loved to get my hands on an artist to help with the project that can draw the other 4 directions. To bad I do not know anyone, who has the time or wants to, that can draw :).

What are the source code and gfx licences?

I don’t understand what you mean by source code licenses. But the source is entirely created by me so I don’t need a license for that. As for the images I have permission to use via an email with the company or individuals who have added their stuff to the project.

I don’t how it’s undecorated. I want to be able to minimize it if I want.
However, it’s a very nice tool and I’ll be using it.

I’ll be putting those button on there as well. Just haven’t put it in yet. I have win 7 and I just shake another window and it minimizes it for me.
But I’ll add that here soon

Changed the Menu a bit. Added confirmation windows to certain things.

Web Applet and Application versions are now combined into the same JAR and will choose its own layout based on how you run the JAR. Basically I got tired of editing the code back and forth and made it automatic.

Also fixed and added a few things like confirmation windows on reloading and exiting the program.

I hope you can use your own tool :slight_smile:

I mean do you release it under a free software license (BSD? MIT? GPL?) or is it a proprietary software?

Same question for the images and the generated characters: are they released under a free license (Creative commons for example)?

I released my program under GNU. A free use license. Which will remain that way as long as I do not sell my program. Which I have no plans on ever charging for the program. As long as the program is given freely the images that are created by the program are free to use for anyone who uses the program. Only reason I had to start the “change.log” file was that a GNU requires it.

Cool! I think your project could be a great help to people who make free software game. Maybe you could post about it on http://opengameart.org/ ?

Is there an official website / source code repository ?

There is no official website or source code repository yet. I do keep all previous versions of the source from day 1 to now though. And can provide the source through email contact. But I do not post it anywhere. Posted Sprite Creator 3 on opengameart.org They have an odd posting style.

Fixed an error that would eventually freeze the program forcing you to restart the program.

Added Female Zombie and Goblin. Also fixed up the Goblin for male.

Some hair and body options may not display correctly on the Goblin model.

Fixed many of the graphics as they didn’t work well when the skin color was changed.

When pressing “File -> Save” a JOptionPane Dialog pops up and says:
“Cannot create folder “Saved”. Create the folder yourself to save.”

So I just took a screenshot from the app :smiley:
My character is badass! :slight_smile:

That is an odd error. I can’t figure out how to reproduce that error. I actually put that part in just in case although I’ve never received that error.

Nice char.

What OS are you using? What is the path name to the jar file? Did you run the program by double clicking the jar, using the .bat file to run, or index.html?

EDIT: Made a minor change to when you click an object. Dragging the mouse will no longer continuously change the object the cursor is above while the mouse button is being held.

I use Linux, Archlinux. And I simply double-clicked the jar.

The jar is inside the /Downloads folder of my home directory.

What exception do you check when that error gets produced, code-wise? I’m sure i can help you, since saving a file is a task I’ve done in java thousands of times.

Sure thing. I’ll send a PM your way.

EDIT: Changed the way saving is done. Hopefully saving on Linux and Mac is working correctly now. Need some Linux testers :slight_smile:

Gonna be on vacation for a month. I more than likely will not be working on this program during that time. Leaving March 2nd.

Added a ZIP version as people are having trouble with rar files. No changes are made other than that.

This is awesome!!!