Spine: 2D skeletal animation

Fair enough, that is why we provide the full version for sale now, even though it is slightly counterproductive to the Kickstarter. :slight_smile:

The JSON format works perfectly with my JSON parser, pretty nice. Do you have the binary format documented anywhere? (sorry if this question was already asked).

No, the binary format isn’t documented unfortunately. We’ve been focusing on finishing the tool and official runtimes are the priority, as we saw what happened with community runtimes for Spriter (a mess).

Hey Nate,

I downloaded the trial, since I saw the post on BadLogic, but having trouble finding something.

I am looking at the powerup example, and I can see the stars changing alpha/ “slot color”- but see no way of setting a key value for it.
How do you set/change it?

Also, is the only method of moving around “the camera” just zooming in and out at different points, or is there also some way to drag around on the screen (like middle mouse button in 3ds max)?

Thanks, looks cool! Sucks to have to wait a month to see how it works in LiBGDX(for the kickstarter to end), but I have a project I was using flash to animate then import as XML into the game, so curious to try out this!

(also small bug- if you double click on the title when using it on my second monitor to make it full screen, it appears to take on the main monitors height resolution, and cuts off the bottom of the window. But if instead you click on the box/full screen icon, it works maximizes full screen correctly)

You can set the key for animating the slot color if you select the slot and click the key button in the properties pane below the tree.
To move around the camera, just hold down right mouse button and drag the mouse.
We haven’t had a chance to do too much Multi-monitor testing, but it is something we will look into.

Glad you like it, we wanted to allow people to support it on Kickstarter and be able to download the full version instantly from our website with a discount, unfortunately this was not possible since we don’t get the emails of backers before the Kickstarter ends. You can however already buy the full version on our site, just keep in mind that runtimes aren’t completely done yet.

Ah, ok thanks, yeah now I see- you have to select the 2nd lowest object in the hierarchy, then click the colored area underneath, select a color, then click on the key to set it for that “frame”.

One other bug- when I click on the text for the color (RGBA), all work for changing the value except ‘A’. The only way to change it is using the left alpha slider, but all the other channels can be set with the text box.

Thanks for working on this!

Flash IDE crashes constantly, so this will definitely save some time :wink:

Glad you guys found some way to get paid for a tool- I am also using Nate’s Kyronet (and although hard to find), I wouldn’t be doing any kind of networking yet without it.

60% funding after just 2 days, looks really promising :smiley:

Brainman, I believe the problem you had with the file dialog is fixed. Could you try again? :slight_smile:

chrismweb, I fixed some things with the color dialog. Maybe your issue is fixed?

and still 26 days to go? We’ve got a winner here…

Passed your goal! Congratulations, Nate!

Now we need some stretch goals :slight_smile:

Hi Nate. The problem is fixed now, thanks. What it was?
Gratz with kickstarter!

For you guys to tell me proud words, it was my wholeheartedly 2-dollar pledge that had it pass the goal :persecutioncomplex:

Joking aside, congratulations and I look forward to see great uses of it !

Cool, yeah, setting the alpha number works now.

One other thing (might be more of a preference thing) would be if you set a value for the color channel, when you hit ‘ok’, it set it. Right now it sets it when you click a different, or hit enter, which is nice. But it might also be nice to have it set on ‘ok’ as well.

Looking really good! I’m guessing the forum on the site will be overflowing with suggestions when the kickstarter is over, and everyone has been using it.

Will you guys be releasing tutorials? Some of the features in the video looked beyond awesome, but I’m guessing by just fiddling around I haven’t discovered half of it.

Also, if you have multiple hidden pieces (like say you have 5 different hands/ mouths that might be switched in during the animation), none of them will be taking “render” time when alpha=0?

Is it also possible to do non bone animation (just rotating images, setting keys), or at least modifying positioning, in case the image didn’t rotate perfectly, and you have to make slight adjustments so hard edges don’t show?

kappa, yeah stretch goals. I hesitate to promise more stuff until I’m really sure it is doable. The last thing I want is to be working on what was promised loooong after it should have been done. Likely stretch goals would be more runtimes, but it’s hard to say which and when they will be done… :frowning:

Brainman, apparently it only happened in fullscreen mode, which is why we couldn’t reproduce it. When a window is the exact size of the screen, Windows does something special so it appears on top of the taskbar. Whatever it does makes it also appear on top of the file dialog. We now make sure the app is never fullscreen while the dialog is open, than we restore fullscreen.

feelingtheblanks, you rock, thanks! :smiley:

chrismweb, fixed the current value when clicking ok. :slight_smile: The forums and emails and messages are already flowing in, it takes about 70% of our time just fielding all those. There will be more docs and more tutorials. For now there are some short quickstart docs here:

If an image is not visible for a slot, it will not take any rendering power. It an image is just tinted so alpha=0, likely it still costs something to render (this is how OpenGL works).

All animation must use bones. If you want to just manipulate an image, just use a bone with that image attached. Not sure what you mean by hard edges showing?

Thanks Nate!

How do you make an image not visible for a slot? I see on the head of the goblin, it has places for eyes close/ eyes open (so you can probably swap them out, like you would with hands, mouth, ect), but I am not sure how to make one visible/invisible.

(looks pretty good)


vs: (the joint aparentally wasn’t put perfectly, or the edge isn’t rounded well enough, ect)


The round edge on the arm isn’t perfect, so when you rotate it around the joint, it works mostly, but there are some parts where the edges poke out badly. At that point it would be nice to be able to… I guess have the image attached at a slightly different point on the bone… or somehow move it to get rid of bad overlaps. I’m not sure if you can even do it in Flash with their bone system though.

To key an image change, in animate mode at the timeline position you want, click the visibility dot next to the image you want visible. This causes a yellow dot to appear next to the slot for that image. Click this yellow dot to set a key.

In your second image it looks like the image or bone is not in the right place so that the lower arm pivots at the right point. If that were fixed and you still didn’t like how the outlines looked when bent at certain angles, you could use an image change. Generally the more outlines you have the more you’ll have this sort of problem as things move around.

Screw the stretch-goals! Someone feed Nate instead!!

The Kickstarter has been doing pretty well. We now have ~13 days left and we’ve just posted stretch goals, which include our plan for how to get Spine runtime support for almost all game toolkits. If you like Spine, be sure to take advantage of the ~50% off you get by obtaining a license before the Kickstarter is over. :slight_smile:

I’m still hoping the free-form deformation stretch goal hits :smiley: :wink:

If you do hit that- how do you plan to implement it in the runtime? Would you keep it to the 4 points, or be able to have more points that you could deform?