Spaceship Roguelike

I’ve started work on creating my first roguelike, and so far it’s been great. It’s such a relief not to have to worry about all the problems that come with graphics, and since everything is cell-based, it makes collision detection, LOS and all the other stuff so much easier. I can actually enjoy making games again. :slight_smile:

The only drawback is that only people that like roguelikes will want to play it, but my games have never exactly been super-popular anyway. :frowning:


It’s still very early in development, but since I don’t have to create the graphics every time I want to add a feature, it makes development incredibly fast.

there are some rogue-like loving communities on the internets, stumbled into them when creating Space Grunts… I’m pretty sure they love this game, since they love ascii :wink:

I agree with Orangepascal, try with:

tip: here at JGO, but in general, it’s better to get a clear idea of your game in first few phrases and words, so people can understand what kind of game do you have :smiley:

You’re right, I just read my post again and I notice I’ve not actually written anything about the game! My original plan was to make a game like FTL where you control and manage spaceship; I’ve not actually played FTL, but seeing screengrabs and reading about it gave me enough inspiration to start on something.

you are welcome!

Have a look at these links, got lots of useful resources on making roguelikes. RogueBasin Articles & /r/roguelikedev

Thanks, I’ve Googled a bit and found more than enough Roguelike stuff including those. :slight_smile: I always find it a bit dangerous to Google too much prior to starting a project since you invariably come across some who’s already created the same thing, usually several years ago and a lot better! (Although I did post to roguelikedev and discovered that there doesn’t seem to be a Syndicate-style roguelike yet…)

I’ve just open sourced this project. All the source is available here: