space invaders(again...) wait it is different ;)

ok so I know you are thinking AWW ANOTHER SPACE INVADERS!!! but this is a different style. instead of the guys going left to right. they come down at you. here is a link to the download.

it says the controls there.

it isnt that great but it is my first coughokcoughgame

tell me what you think/how to improve.

to see what is added or going to be added just look in the website.

Please add a Java Webstart link, it is very simple. Your JAR doesn’t work. When I enter:

[quote]java -jar space\ invaders.jar
I get only a gray empty window.
When I decompress the JAR, I enter:

[quote]java dodge
I get only a gray empty window.

How can I launch your game?

READ the README the as the name implies. you have to press any key to continue.
sry if I didnt explain this. I have jsut uploaded a new version.

there is now a logo at the start.

once again I am sorry about the grey screen. I did not realize it. I have done it for all of my games and this first one put up so it is just natural to me.

about hte websart… I have tried I have never quite figured out how to do it. If you could help me get it I would be ever so greatful

The previous version didn’t work whatever I did, even clicking etc… it is not my fault, I’m not stupid.

Look at this, this is my JNLP file:

[quote]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Small Quake-like written in Java + JOGL
kill them all!!

The important things that you have to change are in bold. Remove JOGL too as you don’t need it. Use getResource(…) to get your URL in your program. kevglass wrote an excellent tutorial about Java Webstart, you should have a look to it. Unable to load resource: invaders.jar
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.downloadJarFiles(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.downloadEagerorAll(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.downloadResources(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareLaunchFile(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javaws.Main$ Source)
at Source)

that is the exception I am getting when I run my jnlp.

here is the code I have so far:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> space invaders games unknown a new twist to space invaders kill them all!!

Oh yeah and btw the error you have always happens. I dotn know why. it still works though.

does the game work for you?

also so that there is now more confusion it tells you to press any key to continue.

Thanks for fast reply.

EDIT: I know the problem, it is looking for space invaders.jar it should be looking for spaceinvaders.jar. only problem is that when I edit the file it does not change. it is like a glitch or something.

2nd EDIT: nvm I got it working. but how do you sign it. I am going ot mess around witht eh stuff the tutorail says. I will delet this post if it works.

To sign a JAR, you need to use the command called “keytool” in order to generate a key and “jarsigner” to use this key to sign your JAR. Watch this:

[quote]keytool -genkey -alias gouessej -keypass xxxxxx -storepass xxxxxx -keystore key -dname “CN=Julien GOUESSE, OU=engineer, O=none, L=PARIS, S=FRANCE, C=FR”
jarsigner -keystore key -storepass xxxxxx tuer.jar gouessej
“key” is the name of the file containing the key. Modify the lines above to do what you want. I hope it helps.

Edit.: under Windows, you might have to enter keytool.exe instead of keytool.

I have made a keystore named myKeyStore. but when I sign it looks for .keystore. I am still looking but hwo do I make this.

You don’t need to be in a specific directory to use the command “keytool.exe” but if its path is not in the PATH environment variable, you have to use the full absolute path to use it. For example, under Linux, keytool is in /usr/bin/; if its path was not in the PATH environment variable, I should enter “/usr/bin/keytool” instead of “keytool”. Under Windows, I don’t know where it is but you can find it easily.

to explain this. I dont have full rights on my computer so I have it just as a file. so I had to go to the locatioin. it all owrks now. excpet wwhat I said in my last post.

kk the webstart works. WOHOOO. that was hard. but worth it.

only one problem. when I run it with webstart the logo only appears for 1 second then goes away leaving you with a grey screen

I tried the game, but I die very quickly. There is either no reset game implemented, or it freezes right after dieing. Is that not implemented yet?

yeah sry I am gunna try and a have a choice dialouge thing popup and it says “try again” and you can try again. Ia m actually about to code that right now. will post when done.

sry it took me so long. but it is there now.


keep the ideas coming!

Great start overall.

A few issues I saw were upon start up, I got the gray screen. Then I pressed space bar and it went into the game.

Next, I think you should make the hit boxes on the enemies a little bit smaller, instead of the size of the image. This gives a little leeway on what is a hit and what isn’t.

If you put in more and more features it could get a lot funner.

Oh and there are only two levels? After I beat the second one it just quit.

Keep it up.

IT DID!! it is not supposed to. it SHOULD jsut og on forever. there are only 3 ships so far though.

I like the boundary suggestion.

I will look into the ending on lvl 2 thing.

ok I have changed the boundaries. I fixed the lvl 2 problem. it was a capitalization issue.
the problem with the grey screen I am as confused about as you. In the jar it will run perfectly. there si the same screen as when you retry. if you can think of any reasons for this please tell me.

Yep that worked, I have no idea about the gray screen though. Maybe its a focus problem.

Game play wise I suggest making it go from super easy, to the level you have it at currently. This would include the enemy speed, bullet speed, and maybe enemy count on screen. Then it just progresses from there.

Farthest I got was level 3.

so you say make it easier. I will work on that.

ok it is now shifted down one. so lvl 2 is as fast as lvl 1 used to be and so on.

keep it coming.

Its definitely a little easier, but I think that level 3 crash is back. Once i reached lvl3 it closed the program.

One other suggestion would be health, or lives. It would make the game last a lot longer if you had lives.