Sound support help needed

Hello, I just released my game engine Easy Clip2D, however, the sound support is rather limited, and i would like to be able to support more than WAV and AIFF files, since these files are very large I want to be able to also have smaller sound files as well.
If anyone is able to please let me know here.
You can also visit my website to view the engine here


I’d recommend adding the ability to play back Ogg/Vorbis files. They can be 1/10th of the size of a wav and still have great fidelity. One can readily convert a wav to ogg/vorbis with Audacity. You can learn about how to decode and play Ogg/Vorbis sound files via Java here:

The tutorial program “ExamplePlayer” has been very helpful. It actually runs and works. But you will probably find places to add improvements.

Ummm…to be clear, I don’t mean to suggest popping that tutorial into your system. There are undoubtably issues, but maybe the author will give permission or help in some other way.