Sound/Music Artists.

The game I am currently working on is coming along nicely, my “team” and I would love to know people who are good at creating music and sounds so when we have a game worthy of it we know who to call. Thanks!

If you need more info just ask. :point:

(this man swords cant be artist, dev, and music artist ok? im not notch or red or anything)

Just learn to compose your own music and record your own sounds.

Saves time, and gives you something to lean back on while you’re looking for proper artists for a game worthy of it.

Yep. Composing music and creating sounds is a nice back-burner project. I found this (piano roll composer) which is a very simple midi composer but it is easy and free. I’ve created a few songs with it. :point: Bfxr is a nice synthesizer that you can use to create sound effects.

Can you give more infos :wink: ? What setting is the game in? What genre or style should the music be? Will you buy /pay for the music or are you looking for free resources? Currently there is not really enough information to work with…