Sound library-thing for noobs

Being a noob myself, I dislike the way java uses sounds; its way to complex especially for beginners. Normally, a novice game developer wants to know as much about the way sounds work as a sea turtle about life on Mars. So i made my own Sound library-thing that can play, loop and stop .ogg, .wav, .au, and .mid sounds without any brain busting. Example:

Sound sound1=new Sound("theme.mid"), sound2=new Sound("explosion.ogg"),sound3=new Sound("shotgun.wav");

Here is the zip folder:
All you have to do is put all the contents next to your .class files and it should work. Also works if u use a jar. You dont have to import anything or use try-catch blocks. I apologize if i massacred conventions of using packages, classes, etc or if this is not exactly “shared code”.

Where is the source code? I see only the .class files. ??? ??? ???
You use JOGG and JORBIS. Then you must give the source code.

[quote]You use JOGG and JORBIS. Then you must give the source code.
If I’m not mistaken, JOGG and JORBIS are LGPL, which doesn’t require you to make your source code public if you use them.

Thats correct, from JOrbis readme

The COPYING.LIB includes a copy of LGPL. LGPL is a bit wishy washy for java, but this mostly clears it up for me:


Shared code??? I thought it was a place to share the source code! I’m fed up. You all agree with this way of doing. If he had modified the source code of JOGG and JORBIS, he must publish the source code in LGPL. He can keep the source code of his program for himself only if he didn’t modify the source code of the libraries under LGPL he used.

I thought javagaming was a place to share knowledge and you encourage closed source coding practice, shame on you.

who says he modified the LGPL code ???
if he links to LGPL then there is no issues. If he modified the code, then he has to share the code if he distributes something that uses it.

However, he should have shared the source - thats the entire purpose of the (sub) forum!

Come on, he says he is a noob. He probably just forget to post the source code… I agree with you, that posting in this section seems a bit pointless without source…

Care to provide the source?

Tolerating is something different than encouraging. Everybody should decide for themselves, what to do with their (private) work.