sound delay

ok ok ok… yes i have been all over the web- nokia, sony, la la la… and none seem to have a trick to get around this. my guess is its just the way j2me works on the phone… if i loop a Player it has a 1 second delay when coming around the loop… even if i use a callback to loop the Player or look at the state in a loop… is there any way around this delay- or will i have to move to C++ for Symbian, so i can have a sound loop :P…

the app i want to make is simple- it has 2 Players that play once after another (with no delay- or a very very small delay)… i am never remaking the Players and i do all the prefeching and realizing at the start (once)… then all i should need to do is call player.start() and the sound should play instantly (i have read online)… this just isnt true- the sound doesnt play instantly at all… so if anyone else thinks there going mad- dont worry… its doesnt… if it does can somone point out how? i was told to maybe put the Players in there own Threads- well like that worked :slight_smile: lol

any pointers? i dont mind trying more things before i give up on j2me of this little project, and make it in Symbian instead… would be a shame- java rocks

Sound support is the single worst implemented feature across the entire midp platform.
There isn’t a single device that has implemented the mmapi correctly.

What device is it you are you trying it on?

nokia 6680, nokia n90, sony k750, sony w810

none of them can loop a sound without a delay- even when i construct the data myself and make a timer to then call player.start(); it seems when calling ‘start’ there is a delay while the player is getting ready again (thought that was what ‘.realise’’ was for)…

I’d be suprised if you can’t get the 2 SE phones to loop correctly, they have one of the better mmapi implementations.

I have to confess, looping sound is rarely in any of the titles we port - as so few phones support it correctly, its simply a feature that isn’t worth relying on.

What sound format are you using?

well we have tryed all the suported sound formats with no real joy. seems to always have a delay on starting the Player… so we are looking at rolling a timer that can start the Player early. i have read we can only have one Player play at any given time- also read its because of calling prefech etc- so im give to just try it and see… lots of lost people when it comes to sound it seems…