Sony Ericsson T610 issues...

I’ve nearly finished my crossword game for my uni dissertation and am trying to optimise it looks wise for a Sony T610 as this is the phone I own.

I have the following 2 issues, any help would be much appreciated! :

  1. I create an implicit list and then add to it the commands ‘view’ and ‘back’. However, my phone adds ‘select’ to the list itself meaning my commands are shifted over into a menu and ‘select’ does nothing.

How do i either remove this ‘select’ command, or alternatively get at its functionality so i can move the action associated with ‘view’ to ‘select’?


  1. I use a textBox for users to enter their answers to clues and have the content type set to ‘any’. However, this means that my phone adds the full set of text options (Language, help, spell etc.) when all I need is the ‘OK’ feature to accept the input.

Is there any way of stripping away these redundant options?

Thanks in advance guys, this forum’s worked wonders for my dissertation!



  1. The Select option on Implicit lists triggers the List.SELECT_COMMAND Command. You can trap that in commandAction() to get to it’s functionality. You can’t get rid of the option.

  2. No.


Cheers Schmooove,

That should sort it, you’re a legend!

