3DzzD have few visitors in comparaison of other websites but using analitycs on a cupple of webpage it grab some usefull informations, here are some statistics for last month that can be usefull for Web development.
would be really cool and usefull if someone can post similar one but with a higer traffic, as this one may not be very smart ?
so a good target audience could be Java with IE/FF on Windows for a screen higer or equals to 1024*768 using 32bit
- Windows 85,88 %
- Macintosh 8,54 %
- Linux 5,48 %
- FreeBSD 0,05 %
- SunOS 0,05 %
Java (not sure google detect 1.1 ?):
- Yes 91,75 %
- No 8,25 %
- 9.0 r124 72,30 %
- 9.0 r115 10,92 %
- 9.0 r47 3,93 %
4. (not set) 3,78 % probably no flash ? - 9.0 r45 3,64 %
- 9.0 r28 1,02 %
- 10.0 b218 0,87 %
- 8.0 r22 0,53 %
- 10.0 r12 0,49 %
- 7.0 r19 0,29 %
- 9.0 r16 0,29 %
- 9.0 r48 0,29 %
- 10.0 r2 0,19 %
- 10.0.0 d525 0,19 %
- 8.0 r24 0,19 %
- 10.0 r1 0,15 %
- 10.0 r0 0,10 %
- 4.0 (GPLFLash) 0,10 %
- 9.0 r19 0,10 %
- 10.0 d26 0,05 %
- 10.0 d525 0,05 %
- 10.0 d536 0,05 %
- 10.0.2 d26 0,05 %
- 6.0 r79 0,05 %
- 6.0 r88 0,05 %
- 7.0 r25 0,05 %
- 8.0 (Gnash) 0,05 %
- 9.0 (Gnash) 0,05 %
- 9.0 r100 0,05 %
- 9.0 r125 0,05 %
- 9.0 r31 0,05 %
- 9.0 r64 0,05 %
Browsers/OS :
- Firefox / Windows 49,01 %
- Internet Explorer / Windows 29,79 %
- Firefox / Macintosh 4,42 %
- Safari / Macintosh 3,78 %
- Opera / Windows 3,74 %
- Firefox / Linux 3,15 %
- Chrome / Windows 2,47 %
- Mozilla / Linux 1,80 %
- Safari / Windows 0,63 %
- Konqueror / Linux 0,34 %
- Opera / Linux 0,19 %
- Opera / Macintosh 0,19 %
- Mozilla / Windows 0,15 %
- Mozilla / Macintosh 0,10 %
- Camino / Macintosh 0,05 %
- Firefox / FreeBSD 0,05 %
- Firefox / SunOS 0,05 %
- Netscape / Windows 0,05 %
- SeaMonkey / Windows 0,05 %
Screen bit depth:
- 32-bit 83,02 %
- 24-bit 11,84 %
- 16-bit 5,14 %
Screen resolution:
- 1024x768 26,01 %
- 1280x1024 22,61 %
- 1680x1050 12,32 %
- 1280x800 12,18 %
- 1440x900 8,78 %
- 1920x1200 5,19 %
- 1400x1050 2,52 %
- 1152x864 2,13 %
- 1600x1200 2,13 %
- 800x600 1,26 %
- 1280x768 0,97 %
- 1280x960 0,73 %
- 1024x600 0,53 %
- 2560x1600 0,39 %
- 1360x768 0,29 %
- 1600x1024 0,24 %
- 1536x960 0,19 %
- 1280x720 0,15 %
- 1344x840 0,15 %
- 1152x720 0,10 %
- 1366x768 0,10 %
- 2560x1024 0,10 %
- 832x624 0,10 %
- 969x768 0,10 %
- 1050x1680 0,05 %
- 1152x870 0,05 %
- 1200x1600 0,05 %
- 1280x638 0,05 %
- 1280x854 0,05 %
- 1360x1024 0,05 %
- 1440x852 0,05 %
- 1600x900 0,05 %
- 1680x945 0,05 %
- 1920x1080 0,05 %
- 2560x800 0,05 %
- 3840x1024 0,05 %
- 747x597 0,05 %
- 768x1024 0,05 %
- 960x600 0,05 %
- United States
- France
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- South Korea
- China
- Spain
- Lithuania
- Russia
- Canada
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- India
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Australia
- Finland
- Poland
- Sweden
- Thailand
- Hungary
- Hong Kong
- Philippines
- Romania
- Ireland
- Turkey
- Tunisia
- Czech Republic
- Greece
- New Zealand
- Denmark
- Mongolia
- Malaysia
- Israel
- Portugal
- Colombia
- Ukraine
- Indonesia
- Slovakia
- Mexico
- Japan
- Taiwan
- Senegal
- Austria
- Singapore
- Norway
- Vietnam
- Egypt
- Bulgaria
- Pakistan
- Slovenia
- Croatia
- Serbia
- Uruguay
- Argentina
- South Africa
- Peru
- Algeria
- Iran
- Chile
- Morocco
- Saudi Arabia
- Bangladesh
- United Arab Emirates
- Reunion
- Puerto Rico
- Malta
- Latvia
- Monaco
- Brunei
- Cyprus
- Macedonia
- Iraq
- Kenya
- (not set)
- Iceland
- Bolivia
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- Mauritius
- Moldova
- San Marino
- Luxembourg
- Tanzania
- Georgia
- Palestinian Territory
- Albania
- French Polynesia
- Belarus
- Sri Lanka