Hello, I’ve been learning droid game development this past week and I have some questions I cannot find answers using google. ;*(
First, I’ve developed my own OpenGL ES 1.x rendering layer by porting some of my old C++(also converted to LWJGL) spritebatching code after reading how to set up openGL from this site: obviam.net
DL(with source):
The framework was slow at first (Samsung galaxy S 2.1) but after reading this:
I achieved full speed with 1000 bullets on screen.
I also wasted time to convert my non-interleaved Spritebatcher to an Interleaved one because when the conversion was done, I only get a 1-2 FPS increase on ~1000 entities on screen. ;*(
So my questions…
- I’m updating entities from inside the onDraw() method. Is there a better way to update logic?
- Why does the engine cap at 55 FPS on my 1 ghz samsung and 60 FPS on my 800 mhz LG Optimus E400? It would still report 55 FPS if even if I only draw 1 entity.
- What is a good way to support multiple screen sizes?
- Is there a good Android specific forum I could ask questions aside from here?
- Can you guys test the apk included in the DL and report your phone model as well as the FPS?
Thanks a bunch!