Some More Generative Music using Java and Gervill

I am working with my generative music module that I hope will sound good enough one day for my next game:


That’s really quite fun to listen to.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yes, it is sometimes very surprising what comes out (if anything at all) :slight_smile: I will continue to improve it so that it can generate many different kinds of music.

That’s pretty cool ;D

Can you change the theme? It would be cool if you could give it a sound sample and it would generate the music off of that?

Great idea!

The current version does not work like that though. It does not analyze any existing music or use any corpus.

However, if you add a suitable analyser that can extract beat patterns and chord progressions then it would be possible. Such an analyser is probably beyond current technology (???) but for Midi files it is certainly doable.

Very interesting. Many of these attempts turn in to torture machines, but this seems very promising. Would be cool if you could use some “seed”, so that you could test different configurations and settings until you found something you like and then be able to replay exactly that tune. Would be even cooler if one then could compose several snippets of those to create a song. You could find a cool beat, that could be repeated as a chorus and so on.

Maybe you can get some ideas from this thread

Even more great ideas, thanks!

My current idea is to have the music dynamically change in a game where the different values for happyness, harshness and intensity are controlled by the player’s actions. Even if the music that comes out isn’t top of the line, it could still impress.

I am very impressed by that acid-beat link you gave me jojoh :slight_smile: I have seen it once before but now it feels even more relevant.

It is very easy to customize the music process. Here is a screenshot of the graph that is used to generate the music in the video:

It is not difficult to add more node types for different types of beats etc. it is just my own lack of understanding of the music that is currently in the way :slight_smile: