Some dreams about HUD

When I used to create my GUIs with Swing (for my game) I used Eclipse’s Visual Editor.

It’s entirely based on java beans and very flexible/extensible.

I think we could create an Eclipse module for Xith HUD… this would mean that :

  • We have to make Xith3D work in SWT (I think JOGL/LWJGL have support for that)
  • We have to turn Widgets into Java Beans (just adding appropriate get/set methods would be enough, if I understood well)
  • We have to study Eclipse SDK, especially I don’t see how the widget hierarchy could be handled without special code

Also, having layout managers would be cool. Of course the default way of proceeding is to specify x,y coordinates and width height by hand but having a grid of objects is nevertheless something useful.

I don’t promise anything, you know I’m just a lazy guys who dreams about some wonderful tools allowing him to be even more lazy !

I believe, a bean is nothing more than a regular class with a must-have empty constructor and each field accessable through getter/setter (or isXX()).

There’s already support for Layout managers. The only thing is, that I didn’t write any implementation so far. But I’ll write (I guess) GridLayout and BorderLayout. Well, the most important ones.
Yes, could be helpful. But adding input Widgets, Lists Combo boxes ist the more important task for me. I’m currently working on them.


