Solved Kryonet How to update sprite animation in client/server

Hello, I’m implementing Kryonet with Libgdx and is working properly, is beaultiful Android + Desktop multiplayer.

I can update the player position and send the information:
if playerMoved - sendMsg - ReceiveMsg - ChangePosition.

In the other side (receiver) the position is updated in real time but the SPRITE ANIMATION is not updated… I’m trying to implement this but maybe the problem is inside my Sprite/Player.

Here my Player.handleInput (if return true, send a msg that “player moved” and I get the new position with getX(), getY()):

	public boolean handleInput(float delta)
		if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT))
			else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT))
					stateTime +=*1.5F;
					sprite.setRegion(Assets.animationStop.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true)); // sprite animation
		if (isMoved)
			isMoved = false;
			return true;
			return false;
		public void setXManual(float x)
			playerRec.x += x;
			if (x >0)
	    		stateTime +=*1.5F;
	    		sprite.setRegion(Assets.animationRight.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true)); // sprite animation
			else if (x<0)
		    	stateTime +=*1.5F;
		    	sprite.setRegion(Assets.animationLeft.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true)); // sprite animation
			isMoved = true;

If player1 is moving, player1 can see the animation, player2 can’t see the animation. (vice-versa).

How can I update the sprite ANIMATION to be seen on other client.