Hi Guys, im trying to move my app to jogl 2 and i get this error.

Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” javax.media.opengl.GLException: not implemented
at javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU.gluBuild2DMipmaps(GLU.java:1484)

This version of the app uses GL2 profile.

In the docs it says that it will throw this exception if its not available in the profile. But how can this be?


I replaced gluBuild2DMipMaps with GENERATE_MIPMAP (which is faster) and it works.

But im wondering about the error i get?

does anybody have an idea about it?


Hi, the soluction is here.


Please rename the topic putting [SOLVED] before the title.

Best Regards
Claudio Eduardo Goes

Done Thanks