[solved]First Person LookAt Coords /w some code

I hate feeling needy and posting on this board like three times a week but I guess it’s a good thing this board exists other-wise my programming problems wouldn’t get solved :D.

public Point3D translateByAngle(float oX, float oY, float oZ,
			float length,
			float angleX,float angleY,float angleZ){
		float rad, xOld, yOld, zOld;
		float x = length, y = 0,z = 0;
		rad = angleX * (float)(Math.PI / 180);		
		xOld = x;zOld = z;
		z = (float)((zOld * Math.cos(rad)) - (xOld * Math.sin(rad)));
		x = (float)((zOld * Math.sin(rad)) + (xOld * Math.cos(rad)));	
		rad = angleY * (float)(Math.PI / 180);		
		yOld = y; zOld = z;
		y = (float)((yOld * Math.cos(rad))- (zOld * Math.sin(rad)));
		z = (float)((yOld * Math.sin(rad)) + (zOld * Math.cos(rad)));	
		rad = angleZ * (float)(Math.PI / 180);
		yOld = y; xOld = x;
		x = (float)((xOld * Math.cos(rad)) - (yOld * Math.sin(rad)));
		y = (float)((xOld * Math.sin(rad)) + (yOld * Math.cos(rad)));	
		return new Point3D(oX + x, oY + y, oZ + z);

I’m using this code to calculate the point in 3-Space for my camera to look at. It pretty much takes the angle of the camera and the location of the camera and the distance of sight and calculates a new point(LookAt point).

Though there’s some minor problems with it for what I am trying to do. such as if I rotate the Y-Axis the angle in which I am looking up at then changes. When I want it to stay at the same “pitch”.

Is there a Z-Rotation for the camera? Is this not the series of equations I should be using? Is there a better way to do this?

My main problem is having my shooting script work with my camera. So I use that same method to shoot as well.

Thanks for reading, if you don’t understand the problem I can post, you-tube video, a diagram a better explanation, and/or code. Just lemme know :smiley:

To be more specific…

I know you guys have done first person perspective… How’d you all do it?

Don’t apply a delta-rotation on the coordinates from the last frame. Instead store the overall rotation angles in member variables. Everything else depends on the order of the rotations.

On GameDev.net BobJahnova helped me out.

tempX = -(float)(Math.cos(Xangle) * Math.sin(Yangle));
tempZ = (float)(Math.cos(Xangle) * Math.cos(Yangle));
tempY = (float) Math.sin(Xangle);

is the proper vector thing haha Thanks though cylab!

Maybe just use a vector math library :wink: vecmath, openmali, joglutils…

Didn’t even know such things existed haha. I’ll have to look into those!

hum… better that you do it yourself once, after use any libraries but for the first time do it yourself, this is really a simple problem what you need is only three method to rotate around X,Y,Z then use them in the correct order. usually for fps (if Y is up an Z going front of you) you just have to rotate around X then around Y.usually for FPS you wont rotate around Z but if you wich to do some kind of roll just rotate around Z at first.