What has been bugging me for a couple of days now is that applications that used to work properly suddenly refuse to update/repaint the canvas when asked to, but do it all nice and clean when the window is minimized and maximized or when I move the window over the edge of the screen and then back. The funny thing is, that this also happens with apps that I have nothing to do with, so (this time) the faulty coding of mine cannot be the problem here.
An example would be appropriate, so here is one: http://kiekko.tk/play.cws, an oh-so-amusing multiplayer ice hockey game, that lately has refused to display the lobby or the game itself properly. The symptoms are the same; I can hear sound and stuff, but the screen won’t update - unless min-maxed or taken off the screen.
What I’m thinking here is that mayhaps the current version of Java (1.6.0_21-b07) has a couple of screws loose that make things work the way they do. Why I’m suggesting this is because another fellow developer is using the same version and is having the same problems as I.
So, now I’d like to hear your opinions on the matter and to throw me a few suggestions as in what to do to remedy this.
Managed to fix the problem by enabling the OpenGL-based pipeline (-Dsun.java2d.opengl=true). Though I’m still wondering why this wasn’t necessary earlier… Oh well.