I am deploying ReferenceNoteKeyboard from itch.io for both Windows and MacOS, and it uses OpenFX 11 and OpenJDK 11. It was developed in Eclipse and makes use of a jlink-built jvm.
I also was able to take an old project of CommanderKeith’s and build him a jlink-based version, and he has reported that he has run it successfully on multiple Windows systems. (All 64-bit, though.) I wrote about it here. I’m not sure but I think the basic approach could also work if you have your Eclipse project set up with the “unnamed module” (the default that accesses all the modules) and build a jar from that, and then go through the steps in the tutorial that is linked on that page. Should test that when I get a chance! Maybe someone else will?
The best way to set up projects on Eclipse isn’t at all clear to me. What I’m doing kind of works but I don’t feel like I totally understand. Anyway, here is what I’ve done:
For a given project, I include JavaFX11 as a Build Configurations/Library, in the ModulePath. I also make extensive use of another project (my audio engine), and put that in as a Project on the ClassPath. Neither project is set up to refer to a module-info. But I have added the following argument to the run configuration/VM arguments:
--module-path "c:\Program Files\Java\javafx-jmods-11.0.1" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the program uses more of JavaFX, then additional javafx modules have to be in the add-modules list, comma separated, e.g., javafx.media, javafx.graphics
When I export from Eclipse, I use the simple export jar option of just source code, and then work from CMD.com, i.e., build a module-info with notepad, and do command line compiling. (I’m using the basic steps written about here but these could be updated for when JavaFX is included.
I’m pretty sure there are better ways, that will make smarter use of Eclipse, but the above does work, afaik.
But I do agree that this is a lot of info scattered here and there and kind of a klooj. It would be good to have some basic guide oriented to the game programmer.