Snake on a Plane

Just had an idea and prototyped something up, it looks like this:

What if Snake was a platformer?



Yes, this can be cool. Since the path for the player to take has to be taken into account, not just the targetlocations.

You could use gravity on the snakes tail.

And maybe some sections on the tail, wich can be passed, when a pickup is added at the time it “grew”

Yep, the whole snake is affected by gravity. So you can only climb as far, or reach as far as the length of the snake - which grows when you pick up pellets (just like normal snake).

You can trap yourself of course, which is a bit of a pain.



Thats where a “passage” section could give the player a well-timed alternative.

Looks like fun and easy to understand how the physics works, I say go for it with lots of complex puzzles :wink:


This is crazy! Only a few days ago I was chatting to Don, trying to convince him to make a 4k game. He said he had no ideas. I randomly told him to “make Snakes on a Plane 4k”. But now that you’ve gone and done that, I guess I shall have to think of something else for him to do…

Also, my idea was based on a small drawing I made in class once, that featured a bunch of snakes on a mathematical plane… silly, I know.

EDIT: When can we try it? :smiley:

Want to build a quick level editor and add some features. Maybe after lunch? :slight_smile:



Yay! I’ll give it a spin when it’s up and I can find some time. :slight_smile:

Great idea!

Don’t forget Android and IPhone versions later on :wink:

Maybe add some mechanism to receive user created levels that can be added to the game later (after human filtering happened to avoid “disturbing” level design)…

Here’s the first ditch attempt:

Only one simple level but the level editor is included at the bottom with some test framework. Let me know if you make anything interesting. I’m going to start adding some features:

a) Sticking patches
b) Bad guys
c) Spikes
d) Switches
e) etc etc
f) ideas welcome :slight_smile:



It worked great, didn’t find any weird things and the physics reacted in a logical way. I’m so curious about your levels! :smiley:


Great start!

Found an issue. I created a level where the snake could fall down to the
bottom of the screen:

Exception in thread “Thread-10” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 621
at Source)
at Source)

Pushing the limits further gave a freeze after eating about 50 or so pellets.

Very interesting levels could be made using only the current physics!!

Best regards from


Yeah, 50 pellets is sorta unlikely and I don’t check any bounds yet.

Still, seems to have legs this one :slight_smile: (or not if you see what I mean)



LoL the snake can stand up ;D

Quick update, some bug fixes and 6 levels (5 provided by the fine people on Twitter :)).

Just about reached the limit now, time to take debug symbols out, obfuscate, compress etc and of course compact all the levels into one file.

Forgotten how fantastic fun java4k is :slight_smile:



I don’t know anything about the rest of the game, but the name is a winner :slight_smile:

For extra credit, make the quit button read “I am TIRED of this muthafing snake on this muthafing plane!”

Do you have the source code? I’m interrested in how this works :persecutioncomplex: Peeking isn’t worth much in the 4k :stuck_out_tongue:

Game idea is brilliant yet simple.

Edit: addidg food pellet that has to be collect but do not grow the size would give more room for puzzle desing. now aftert x number of pellets snake can almout fly.

Thanks for the feedback, good idea on the pellet. I’ll add that.

I’ll make the source available shortly.



Great game.

But how to solve the 4th level? All other level are great.

I can fall down on the left and right side of the level. There should be a border!